domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013


...(Ainu)=to go,=pain(N)=agile runner,=paina/opain(N)=run quickly, lightly,=Painal(N/god)=vicar of war god, messenger of death who incites to massacre, Painter(E), suitor of Nike, the wick. .....paka(Ainu)=fool, older version of Japanese, baka/fool,=paca/opac(N)=wash,=p/bach(G)=b(r)ach (OE)=b(r)ook, and a babbling one,=p/b(l)a(n)k(Letra)=blank(E), or not. .....pake/pa/sapa(Ainu)=the head,= paca/opac(N)=wash, e.g., no atl(N)=my water, urine, brain, battle,=nauh(N/no atl)=kna-ow (Letra)=know(E),=opac(N)=pax/pacis(Lat)=paz(sp)=peace(E),=pa/opa(N)= paint/tint,= tlapa(N)=tlalli/tlatla pa(N)=earth/flame paint, t/lapse(E). .....paki/pakihi(Ainu)=time, e.g., it will all come out in the wash/time=paca/opac(N), or, let time wash over you. .....pake-omar(Ainu)=kind of basket used for carrying bundles/wash,=pack(E)=paca/opac(N). .....pakkai(Ainu)=to carry on the back/pack as a child,=paca/opac(N). .....pakko(Ainu)=an old woman, i.e., washed out by the fullness of temi(N)/time(E)/paki(Ainu), e.g., flow of being= time=cauitl(N)=c/g(r)avity(E).