sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013


...(Ainu)=to rub, to peel, to strip by rubbing, e.g., mungi push tekehe otta noyanoya(Ainu)= rub ears of wheat=uitequi(N)in the hands, noye(Ainu)=to turn, twist, wind, wring, turn over, =noye(Ainu)=to be overcome with a thing, to be dead,=noye(French)=drowned person, e.g., tonoto noye/overcome with wine, mokon noye/overcome with sleep,=annoy(E)= noloa(Nauatl)=double/twist/curve something/tense a bow,=nolhuia(N)=put one's entire force; twist/curve,=noliui(N)=twist, noltic(N)=curved/pleated. this the word string that gives, nourrir(F)/nurse(E)/noria(sp)/Norris/Noriz/Nowruz(Persian)/noor(Arab)/nurture/Menorah(H).