jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

Nephillim Birkat

...Nepiloliztli(N)=hanging,=Neph/pil(letra)=Nephillim(Book of Enoch found with Dead Sea Scrolls)=The Fallen Angel=Anakim(Enoch)= privative of nacatl(N)=flesh,=snaka(OE)=snake(E)=Nachat(H)=pleasure. Nepiloliztli(N) is part of the punishment for the Promethean Fallen Angel for having given fire=Tletl(N)=T/l/red/t/l(letra)=Red to Homo Sapiens. it has nothing to do with the epithet, Fallen Angel and everything to do with Promethean punishment. out of piloa(N)=hang,=spilla(ONorse)=spill(E)pilot(E), comes the prefix, pilcat-(N)=to follow, to be suspended/hang, a string of 7 words of pilcat- prefix, using letra=p/Bi(r)k/cat=Birkat(H)= grace after/following meals, the hanging/suspension being religious communion with deity thanked. the Promethean correction from, piloa(N), takes 3 forms: Iyollocatitlan nepilloli(N)=a hanging, suspension, correction that reaches inside, the guts, the heart/yollotl(N). Nacaztitech nepiloliztli(N)=hanging, suspension, correction that is put over/into the ears's/nacaztli(N) ambassadors. Tenacaztitech nino-piloa(N)=give a person a haul on the ears. the first correction fits the Promethean myth, a correction that reaches inside, to the heart. The entire adventure ensues over a meal/birkat at which Proemetheus Titan fools Zeus(twice), who sends Pandora to live with men, be their companions in wealth, but not in poverty. the salient detail is that the Titans/Neander Prometheans were advocates of humanity, while, Zeus, the Aryan sky deity first known to the Greeks as a snake, was not, and, Prometheus was a trickster of more human stripe than Loki(Norse), who harks/barks back to Xolotl(N)=Tloc(N/preposition)=Location(E) =L/T/Dog/c(letra)=Dog, shape changer. Promethean Neander didn't have a connexion with dogs, altho the Mother Deity, Tlatla/Flame did have one with Ocelome(N).