sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012

Grandmother of the West

...Cave mountain person, dancing, immortal Xian, the Western Peace, xi(Chi-na)=2, known as, Chang-An, before the Ming dynasty, 3k bpe, but before those who founded Xi-an, the Western Peach, stood the Guangzhong Ren. let me say it's hard to get info of this sort out of the People's Republic, a little more garrulity on Archeology, please. with a cave/mountain person, we are dealing with Neandra Altepetl town=Water(E)/alt-tepetl/Mountain=Te(m)ple, associated with feline Ocelome, or, in the case of, Xi-Wang-Mu, tiger=tic/ger(letra)= ticitl(N)=doctor, midwife,=trick/entice(E)/tickle. her name=Xi=2 sticks of fire drill, an Ome deity, the oldest, so named as they go back to fire drill, are fire drill, as in, Ocelome(N/plural/2), wang=wa/ua(N)=own(n)g/ca(N)=being(letra)= a being/deity who owns 2, has the property of 2, as in, Omega(Gk)= Ome/2 being/ca. now to the dance. sheng(Chi-na)=free reed gourd bagpipe, as in, gaita(Basque/sp)=Ecatl/Ehecatl(N/2 again)/Hecate talks/itoa(N). Grandmother/Mu appears to be the fire drill deity, Tlatla-tzol-teotl, but with the local addition of a tiger tail and tiger teeth, much as the Olmec were-jaguar babys, whom we received from China to Amerinda as colonials, employing the Japonics as Calpixque(N)=Majordomos and Malhuianime(N)=Nite-malhuia(N=be guardian, be in charge of someone's honor,=Nitla-malhuia(N)=work delicately, care for plants, e.g., the Metis Metl(N)Maguey. the Japanese Calpixque defeated the 2d coming of Quetzalcoatl, the Mayan, at the foot of PopocaTepetl and caused them to settle the Yucatan=Yucahtla(N)=Yucca(plant)= Yukata(Japonica)=summer(hot weather)deshabille. Apropos of Colonialism, the Mayan ballgame, Ollama/Tlachtli, descends or ascends from, Cujo, which centers at Xian City, among the 4 oldest urbs in China. ah, back to the flute sheng(harmony)=sh/s/cenca/g=cenca(N)=much, completely stable, invariable, immutable,and, yu(melody)=yuh(N/adv)= thus, naturally, habitual, accustomed, since), a later wind instrument. without too much trouble, a wordstring in japanese and spanish, shows the origin of the flauta(Portuguese)=flute(E)= fue(J)=fuelle(sp)=b(e)llows/blows=b(l)/poa(N/root)=count,=power(E)= fuigo(Japonica)=b(el)lows power/poa(N)=fuego(sp)=fire(E)=pyre= piloa(N/root)=spill(E)/pilot light. the Sheng/Cenca(N) Xi-2/own being=Wang/Mu=Mother(of the west) wears what is thought to be a weaving apparatus, but is, in fact, a bellows/blow/flow/fuelle(sp)/fue(J)/flute/power/poa(N/root) for the fire drill. poem/poetry will come later in the form of Opera=peua/opeuh(N)= p/be-gin(E)=open(E), thanks to Grandmother West. how? ...the wear on the inside of incisors found on many Neander teeth, meaning they were holding something in their mouths often. for what it was, one goes to the Nauatl for tooth, =tlantli(N), which through the miracle of letra=tl/t/th/hand/t/li, the English word for ma(N/verb)=hunt land/sea with net=matlatl(N), tooth/colmillo(sp)=wisdom, a tooth of land, tlan(N/locative/tlalli), e.g., i(s)land/tli=Island=I(r)land/tli=old lady=Ilantli(N), referring to Chronus, youngest Titan/Titlani/Litany(N)=messenger Promethean being driven by son Zeus, and Aryan Sky Snake related filially=f/pilli/child to wind weaver Ehecatl/Hecate=Lady Birdsnake of Belgrade, and son,Quetzalcoatl proto-Christ. but out of the third hand/tlantli(N)=tooth comes the bellows= fuelle(sp)/fuigo(Japonica)/fuego(sp)that became fue(J)=flute(E), then Gaita(sp/Basque), probably with red deer stomach as sack/ duddle for the pipes: first Sheng/Cenca(N)=Harmony Immutable, next Yu(China)=Yuh(N)=Melody/Naturally. another connexion for China/Japonica with the Spanish Basques is: ai(Japonica/Chinese)=aite(J)=maite(spB)=maitl(Nauatl/root)= Maitland(E/name)=matelot(Russ/oc-elot?)=mate(E)=matlalli(N)= blue/netland)=matlatl(N)=net,=atlatl(N)=throwing stick(Mousterian). the Mousterian level, Western Europe, is Neandertime. here is a list of advances that arose 300k-30k bce: first use of fire and burial(linked), not one without the other. Upper Paleolihic features the Cro-Magnon/Finn invasion about 40k bce, use of skins, needle, thread, clothing, hafted stone/bone tools, harpoon, atlatl(N)=at/l/r-at/l/r(letra)=arrow(E)=a/t/dar/l/t(letra)= dart(E), ivory and antler in addition to flint points/retouchers, dwellings/pithouses, drawing, modeling/craft(E)=krop-tugr(ONorse) k(r)/copina(N)=cup(E)/put one thing into another/Co(r)pus(sp)/ -tugr=-toca(N)=approaching/almost/touching on a copy(E). it goes on: sculpture, painting, dancing, music, masques=MacuiXochitl/Tobacco Diety Dog Xolotl, eveningstar, first ma(s)que=macui/5= smoking hand over mouth. society=tzotzoyotia(N)=string beads or popcorn on a line. status, private property(the root of evil/live). lastly, the feline is fire related/Galaxy=Calaqui(N)=enter house, through stripes/spots, and, Ocelotl(N/14 Tona)=ce(i)ling/c(i)elo(sp)=sky=ki(J)=tree/teow(OE)=Teotl, e.g., chitoni(N)=spark,=chthonic(Gk)=Chi-/on top, Tonic(E/musical note/ soda pop)/-toni, Cheetah=Chi-tlatla(N)=on top Flame=F/Tlatla-tzol-teotl(N)=Flame- hole-Thea, regent of the Tonalamatl(N)Calendar, whose Totem(E)= To-/our descent/-temo(N)=Ocelome(N/2)=celOim(Liber Linteus)= Elohim(Hebrew/plural/2). if i read correctly, sheng and Yu have 17 pipes, at least the ones send to Japan, 8c ad. 17=Ollin(N/day 17 of Tonalamatl Calendar)= the 9th trecena=13 days of Ce Ollin=ceol(Gaelic/Celt/Nauatl)=song(E)= sail(E)=one movement, has a ruling deity, Tlatla-tzol-teotl, cave and fire drill Venus, regent of Tonalamatl, Ollin(N)=Holy(E)=Roll/Earthquake, movement from the center. Tlatla becomes T/l/Ra(Egypt/solar deity). the Tlaloc deer nomad age, 45k-10k bce, the nomad people, the Mazyectli(N)=Mazyes=BerBer, once the name for all peoples in the North African Corridor. Mazyectlalli(N)=Excellent/Yes! Deer/Maz-tlalli/land, name for all green North Afrika above Sahara, and, Maz-Yectlalli(N)=Yiz-t/l/ra(e)lli(letra)=Israel/Mazyectlalli(N)=yectel(N)=yester-(E)year. the lost tribe=tribu(sp)=tepulli(N)=virile member, the pully, was the BerBer=varvar(Russ)= Barbarian= B/V/Ual-Ual(N/root)= Ual(N/adverb)=tow/Ual/rds=War/wall(E). Berbers didn't call themselves barbarians, Berber comes through Greek. Yes(E)=yectli(/root)=good, virtuous, just. Yectel(N)=some days ago=aco(N)=Yester-day=tlacatli(N)= tac/tag/dag(Germ). Bellow(E/verb)=da-sheng, bellows(E/noun)=feng xian-g. there is interchange, a copying error, in Nauatl about f/sh sound symbols, cursive (s) mistaken for cursive (f) during copying, thus, f/sheng, with feng(Chi-na)=Phoenix=Poa-nextli(N)= power-aesche(OE)=ash(E)=nextli(N)=neci/onez(N/verb)=to appear,=nez(Fr)=nose(E). feng=cinnebar=ocre/ochre=oceliz/celia(N)/ocelome(N/2=fire drill)= rebirth, revive/birthing. fire drill Totem Ocelotl of Tlatla/FlameThea. feng=wind,=fuelle/fue(J)/fuego/fuigo(J)/flute, found on the Oracle(B)one(E)= omitl(N).