sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011


Tarot/Tarocchi(Italy=ittalli=seen=itta=see)=Tlaloc, rain god deity of deer in the Tonalamatl, survives in memory as halo/tlallo/harlequin/Tarquin/Halogi,Kven Fornjotul's son/Thor and Mjolnir=molhui ilhuia(N)=transport of will,=yam,yammer,hammer/Santa Claus, deer driver, whose only rival down chimney is rain or snow melt/ Dharug, the west Australian yam/yamactic=yammer tribe, a Thurston thor-stone bland by climate change/Seth, Egypt's creator canine deity of storm, desert, and chaos=caO(Etruscan prayer)=chaos=cathe(Etr)=Hecate. Tarock/Tarot fly flags of past glory, beginning with a fool who sports ancestor Xolotl/clowndog btwn legs, and links with St.Michael= Miquiztli/skull, the dog judge, while the 2 faces of harvest aunt/auitl Quiahuitl(N/7th trecena)=7Snake/Chicome Coatl appear as 1.feast the Empress&2.famine the Star. Tlaloc=first pre-Saxon King of Prettania/Prydein=in pitli(N)=the older sister,=P(r)y/it/de= pride/spider,=Herla/Harlaken/harlequin(Wodin/Odin), gone southwest from euthanic Eurasia to his heaven, Tlalocan, save the Baltic where he waves as, Raróg, fiery falcon blazon of Ukraine, and Croatia/Coatl as Raróg Rak/lobster. 250BC Tlaloc=deity of Teotihuacan, regent until 750c ad, when a night raid by Tlaxcaltecan Olmecoids, 3 Deer and 4 Dog, defeated the city's Puma warriors and sacrificed their general in the Star Chamber, Cacaxtla. what better Christ/King than Tlaloc, who rose heavenward and when he fell imparted his reverent living green, the rain, from N. Afrika thru the Mideast to Altai/altia.