viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011

michael and the fool

...the pairings of the Tarot are older mythology than the deck itself, a product of the weaving age, 8k bce-3k bce-and into Egypt.
the Empress and the Star are one deity, after the rope age of Metis, first deity
of wisdom, known as Chicome Coatl(N)/Snake, relinquished the Crown of 7 serpents to
the corn deity, who became known as 7 Snake, deity of feast and famine, and day 7 in
the 7th trecena of Quiahuitl/Rainstorm, cf., the ancient Greek year of 7 seasons, and,
going back to the upper stone age, 45k bce-10k bce, 7=Mazatl=maz(OHG)=meat,=deer=deor=
d/teotl(N)=deity. the date for transfer of Metis=metl(N)=maguey rope plant, to 7 Snake
corn is 3309bc, as the Quetzalcoatl expedition deposes the Tobacco deity, 5 flower/
Macui Xochitl=Macuo Xigil(Maine Woods, Thoreau,=tobacco/dogwood tree), in Amecamecan,
Mexico, and replaces it with corn, by irrigation.
the Empress has a collar of 4 red rubies, 4=night deity of corn, Cinteotl, the
bachelor deity, who presides over the sign Chicome Coatl/7 Snake in the Tonalamatl
soul and birthing calendar. the Star is naked and is pouring water over a rock,
symbol of famine.
the Fool is none other than the original Xolotl(N)=meaning clown/fool and black
dog known as Xoloitzcuintli, with infernal connexions prior to Anubis, deity of monsters and twins, evening star, twin of proto-christ morning star, Quetzal-
coatl, whose mother is Ehecatl//Hecate, aryan sky deity, wind/breath weaver,
Venus2, diety of the living, all young things, cf., mozaic, San Apollinari church, Ravenna for a symbolic transfer of her powers to Mary/Jesus, 5c ad).
Xolotl's task is to escort Toño, the sun, at half-light through the center of
earth each day, to Mictlan, where, Miquiztli(N)=skull,=Mique(zt)l-i(letra)=Miguel=
Michael waits for the dead to arrive after being boated across the river, guided
also by a dog, red/bermejo, through the 9 vados/crossings. thus, the pairing of the
old mythology in the Tarot, as the thought of erasing the sacred past was never in
question, it had to wait for the present church to clap an eraser on a black board, doing harm to the past for the sake of a grim future to include the 9 million-victim holocaust of the Inquisition, such is the hold of fantasy over the minds of men,
it must be teased by outright omission, lying, and blessing the fruit of a fictive womb.
if there is any doubt, one only has to look closely at the Fool's card and find
many have a dog between the Fool's legs, perhaps not a black dog, but species
is enough, as this dog, fool, clown, evening star, tobacco deity becomes the devil.