viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015

kamui huchi

(Ainu)=onne/ancient grandmother/huchi=kamui/goddess huchi/tochtli(N)=citli(N)= rabbit/g-ma,=citlalli(N)=star,=ome tochtli=2 rabbit=vicar pulque choir(Aztec)= day 28 in the Tonalamatl, 2nd day of Mazatl/deer trecena 3, divided by 9 gods= remainder 1=Xiuhtletl,=xiuitl=year/time/herb/comet=tletl=fire. ce Mazatl=day27 by 9=9.Tlaloc=rain/deer god. the date, ome tochtli, oldest Mayan date by Long Count=10Mzo3309BCE=the Naui Olin of Quetzalcoatl.