lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013


...(E)=ar(e)we(OE)=arwazna(Goth), hmmm,=ar/tlar/tl we/ue(Letra)=atlatl ue(N)=way(big)throw stick, i.e., at/at(E)=ar/tlar/tl wa/ua na/4(Letra)=atlatl ua na(N)=throw-stick owns 4, i.e., easy aim 4, all directions, but, arcus(Lat)=arc/arco(sp)=bow,=arqui/arquitenens(OLat)=a(r)qui(N)=enter,=archer, bowholder/edger,=aquitentli(N)=achtung(G). German sailors use wahrschau/watch out instead. .....the native OE form=earh=earth/hearth(E)=tletl(N)=fire, recorded once, usual names being, strael(OE)=s/tr/tlet/l(Letra)=tletl(N)=fire, fla/flan(OE)=ipanti/oipantic(N)=hit the target/bull's eye. cf., post, if/yew, 17June2012, tletl blog. .....earh(OE)=earth(E)=tlalli(N), e.g., tl/trarri, hmmm,=Tarquin(Etruscan)=who/qui(N/Lat)shoot arrows. are they remnant of the Hyksos=H/th/Tecpatl Tzotzoyotia(N)=Arrow Society=Tektzos, who ruled Egypt, appearing 1800BCE in the 11th dynasty, rising to power in the 13th, expelled 1560BCE at end of 17th, brought in new breeds of animals and plants, chariots, composite bow, improved battle axes(iron?). .....ipanti/oipantic(N)=hit the bull's eye, through Letra, can be the root of all the arrow bow words, e.g., ip/b/v/w/u/f=observed Letra shifts within and without Nauatl, note the p/b/v takes advantage of the soft/myakij snak(R)=soft sign of b/v in Russile/Spanish.