sábado, 21 de septiembre de 2013


...(E)=essential qualities or innate character of; vital powers of/xiii,=nascor/nasci/natus(Latin)=to be born, e.g., post hominum genus natum(Cicero)=since the beginning of the wor(l)d/since man was born, and, ita nata locus est(Livy)=naturally constituted,=nactia/onacti(N)=inhabit; stopover/trasnochar(sp)=nacht(G)= noche(sp)=night(E), and in the Italian verb, nascor/natus(Ital)=natus/th/t/r(Letra)=nature(E). it is the Spanish who give us the s/th/t/r Letra shift. .....nactia/onacti(N)=monacti/monactiqui(N/adj.v.)=what/who has stopped in some part,=monastic(E/adj.). .....supporting phrase: a dark(nacht/night)nature.