martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Naui Olin

refuting the Mayan Doom Prophecies, accepted wisdom is the 5th Age, Naui Olin/4 Movements(of solstice&equinox) began on Naui Olin(4th day of 2d trecena Ocelotl on 17th day of the cempoalli/20, e.g., 13th trecena=Olin(N)=Movement. Mayandate chosen for World's end was 6th June 2012=10 Olin, not 4 Olin, 5th Age ending as it began, while uncertain there will be a 6th Age as 6=Miquiztli(N)=skull. oldest Mayan date, 10 March 3309 BCE, the Naui Olin/Ome Tochtli found at Palenque, 1998, signed on bowls after that period as Tonalamatl day/deity Ome Tochtli(N)=2 Rabbit, vicar/ composer of the Metis Pulque Choir. Aztecs married up to the old Nauatlaca line. Ome Tochtli(N/pulque deity) is an Olmec god adopted during ascendency as Maguey Rabbits=Mecitli, mocking title given them by settled tobacco/corn aristocracy of Amaquemecan(N)=where paper suits(burial), near Popo and Iztaccihuatl, where main dish has always been roast=toast(E)= toshi(J)=toso(J)=tochtli(N/8 Tonal)=rabbit=cony=ch/honey(E)=co(mes to honey)-necuhtli(N)= conetl(N)=conejo(Mex)=coniglio(Ital)=konijn(Du)=kanin(Swe). inside the Naui Olin bowl has 4 whorls=4 movements of the year, between whorls are 2 hash marks with 8 slashes per line=2/Ome 8/8/Tochtli=10 March 3309 BCE. rather than start Age Naui Olin on 2d trecena of Ocelotl/4th day Olin, the bowl date for 5th Age=3d trecena of Mazatl/deer on the 28th Tonal day=Ome Tochtli. deities of 9=night gods decide as they divide 28by9=remainder=1=Xiuhtletl(N)=fire deity&Lord of Year.. Ocelotl is priestly 2d trecena, totem animal of Tlatla cave Venus, within=birthday of Quetzalcoatl=9 Ehecatl(N/2 Tona), while 3d trecena Mazatl(N/7 Tona)= totem animal of earlier Tlaloc Nomad Age. 3d trecena, Mazatl(N/7 Tona) ends in Quiahuitl/harvest=Olmeca Quiahuiztecatl(N)=Rain Wizards=Quia/huiz(tec)atl=Wizard/atl(N)=water(E), dwellers of Popocatepetl,=last neotlithic jade culture of China, known as Liangzhu, 3310-2250BCE,= liang=millet/measure,=l/tianguiz(N)=prosperous grain merchants who invented the glutton, Taoite=tlaolli tetl(N)=stone grind rollers, allied to contemporary Zoque=Zoquitl(N)=mud quitters, who made growing fields at mouth of Yangtze for Liangzhu allies. in Amerind Zoque built mounds along the Mississippi/ Cahokia, and mudded on Mexico's tropical gulf. Liangzhu suddenly disappeared from the Yangtze at 2250BCE. flooding given as reason. the Zoque coincide with Olmec/Liangzhu and partner them as earthworks gang both continents.,=ni(Nawa/pers.pronoun)=yo(sp)/I,=nepa/nipa(Nawa)=back&forth,= Neptune/Neptonatiuh. 2.tzotl(N)=mud=zoquitl/Zoqui(N).