lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011

flute bellows

...speak memory(not you, Nabokov)of language, and tell us about Japonica cave time, of the fue(J)=flute(E)=flauta(Portugal)=f/blau/blow(E), but first i would see your Tlatla entry pass, ah, tatari(J)=a curse, an evil spell, hmmm, seems to be the Promethean fire curse, ah, tataru(J)=curse, torment. yes, seems so. oh, here's the real item, tatara(J)=furnace,=tlatla-r/l/tla, that's 3 Tlatlatla's, mmm, what about, tatami/tatamu(J)=fold up(clothing), ah no, =tatama-chiua(N)=measure, and measure again, well, a doubling up, the frequentive of, tamachiua(N)=measure or weigh,=tamati/otama(N)=consider oneself the sustainer of the state and effectively be so,=tame(E)= tamalli(N)=mexican corn pone flapjack, which reminds me of a mild insult: your mother sells tamales, the equivalent of...combat boots, one supposes, altho one must be very careful what one says of mothers in Mexico, as a desmadre/unmothering experience will follow. back to tatamu(J)=tatama-chiua(N/freq.)=ta(r)tan(Schottisch=Scottish= Sh/Xochitl(N)=flowers of Scotland, for all you scots out there. of course, the tartan patterns came late, but the blanket cloth, whatever the pattern, had to be doubled about. ok, back on compass. the Japonica have passed the Tlatla-tzol-teotl cave test. tzol/tzotl(N)=soil/sod/sot/(m)ud/hole=zoa(N)=bleedin' red fire hole,=t/z/so/u(l/r)ce(letra)=one/-ce tzo/hole soul. pretty explicit about cave source, and also, sorcerers, ah, the basques have the same jumble of letters for source/sorcerer=sorgin(B)=s/z/tzol-g/c/s/z/tzin-tli (letra)=tzoltzin-tli(N)=saintly/-tzintli tzol-/source/hole. let's go play the flute(E)=fue(J)=pipe/bagpipe=Eca-itoa(N)=Hecate talks=Ehecatl/Ecatl(N/2)=wind/breath deity,=piper,=fuen(J)=amplification, fuigo(J)=bellows/blow(E)=b(l)/pow-er(E)=poa(N)=to count/power=fuego(sp)=fire,=fuelle(sp)=bellows. follow that word string carefully, as we have Japonica and Iberian Basque intertwined with Panoa(N)=people of the crossing (of oceans),=Spanner/Spanish. then, from, fuelle(sp), we get, fuel(E). the Japanese had iron for most of their history, out of the Altai, so it's not to wonder tatara/Tlatla appears. the Basques ident with the Nahoa/Nauatlaca sea people, their proto-Christ=Quetzalcoatl, whose expedition, 3309 bce, was to Amerinda for copper, thus metals were the global magnet at the time, and probably what brought the Basque Nahoa into contact with Japonica either in the Altai= altzairu(Basque)=steel,=altin(Turkish)=gold=zlotij(Polish)=zoloto (Russian)=z/s/colotli(N)=armadura(framework), horn, idol, or, on the coast of s. china/southeast asia, where all successfull deer people have turned their yu(r)ts=yuhti(N)=just/justice/from the beginning, into sea houses=acalli(N)=waterhouse/ship,= calli(N)=house, and taken to the ocean. ah, para remate(sp)/to finish off, tama(J)=is what the steel blossom is called in the tatara(J), tama(J)=ball,=tamalli(N)/tamale(Mex), and steel=tama-hagane(J), hagane(J)=steel blue,=hagan(J)=break into a smile,=h/th/t/tlac/g-an(letra)=tlaca-ana(N)=increasing/gr-an-d/-an tlaca-/body, e.g., am-ple(E)=ana-piloa(N)=grand/increasing spill.