jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013
...(E)=said to be of unknown origin, found in Brut, by 13th century English Poet, Lazamon=Tlaza monequi(N)=
Lay down necessary, referring to first publication of Arthurian Legend and Knights of Round Table. Tlaza monequi(Nauatl)describes himself as a priest=p(r)i(es)t/li(Letra)=pitli(N)=older sister, living at Areley Kings, Worcestershire.
.....=ramen(Brut xii), as in the obscure, rameden(Brut, Laz./Tlaza(N) 7854, xiii)=
tlamelaualiztli(N)=action of passing by without stopping, i.e., roam(E)=t/l/rame(n)=(n)=label
Nauatl,=tlamelaualli(N)=witnessed, signed, corrected, rectified, referring to the work, Brut,=
tlamelauani(N)=he who passes by without stopping,= t/l/rame(N)=roam(E),=tlamelaualoni(N)=gloss,
commentary, explanation.
.....reminds one of Amaterasu(J)=Amatl tlaza(Nauatl)=Paper lay down, the Nihon Solar Deity.
the priest=p(r)i(es)t/li(Letra)=pitli Tonatiuh(N)=older sister of the Suntone,=Pitona(N) is
not mentioned in the Japanese Apocrypha, while the Pitona=P/B(r)iton version avoids Apocrypha
not quite entirely by using Tlaza/Monequi(N)=Lazamon, the priest.
.....Amate-razu(Nihon/Nauatl)=Amatl(N)=paper=Amate(Mex) trace(E)=tr/tlaza(Nauatl).
.....Layamon/Laza-mon(E/priest)=Tlaza=trace necessary/monequi(N), e.g., salmon(E)=
tzallantli-monequi(N)=tzalmon(N)=canal=c/s/z/tzanal(reversal n/l)= tzalan(N)=channel(E)=canal necessary for daily fillets. also for salt(E)=sal(sp)sala(sp)= tzalan(N)=salary(E)=tzallantli(N)= canal/canyon/cañada(sp).