sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013


...Fornjot(Norse)=Fornjotun=first king of all Scandanavia, a giant/jotun(Norse)=yotl tune/tone/ Tonatiuh(N/solar deity)=Anthony Fornjotun, whose 3 children= chieltia(N)=shield,=1.Aegir(Norse)= A(e)g/cit/r(Letra)=Acitlali(Nauatl=Nauay/Norway)=Water star(E)=drop of dew(E)/daw(OE)/tlauiz(N)= dawn(E), or, frost(E)=f/roc/st(Letra)= rocio(sp)=r/toxaua(N)=nitla- ó nontla-tosh/xaua(N)=seed, sprinkle, disperse, throw something like maíz/maitl(N), wheat/uitequi(N), arena/atentli(N)=by the water, or, dew/daw(OE)=d/tlauiz(N)=dawn(E),=toss(E),2.Logi/Halogi(Norse)=h/th/t/Tlaloc/gi (Letra)=Tlaloc(N)=Teotihuacan, principal rain deity, yet, as Logi(Norse)=Fire Deity, whom the MesoAmerinds call, Ueueteotl(N)=the old god, Xiuhtecuhtli(N)=Lord Turquoise, Xiuhtletl(N)=Herb Fire, Tletl(N)=Fire,=Tl/Red/tl(Letra)=Ueue Tlapallan(N)=Old Red, place of Amerind origin in fact and myth.3.Kari(Norse)=wind,=K/Car/ti(Letra)=Ecatl/Ehecatl(N/2 Tonalamatl)=Hecate, who goes all the way back to Síle(Irish)Cailleach Beira/Bheur/Bear= B/v/uel/r=Iueli(N/adv)=powerful,=Iberia, her likely origin, older sister of the Sun= Ueltiuhtli(N)=Welty=Breton/Briton=B(r)/Pitona(N)=Pitli Tonatiuh (N)=P(r)i(es)tess=Tessy(E). ......here the Norse and Cork/Scot/Wales/Bret/Brit/Ibero come askew, as the Norse have Fornjotun as Toniti Neandertal Prometheus with solar title, surely meaning Fornjotun began Sun worship as Titan/Titlani(N)=messenger, but symbolic Sun King as well, whose Nauatl title=Poloa(n)Yotl Tonatiuh =nite-poloa(N)=destroy, annihilate, subject, conquer, Yo(sp)=I(E), Antonio/Anthony. the Nauatl pol(N)=prefixes are of destruction for the most part, e.g., pol(N)=polvo(sp)=dust unto teuhtli(N)= deu(s)t=dust(E), the Promethean punishment is also applied as Nemesis=nemitiliztli(N)=the correct way to live,=nemi/onen(N)=live/reside, which Fornjot(Norse)=Fornem Jotun(Norse)=Giant of distinction/position, fornem/itiliztli(N/N), learned well enough to develop the mixed race of Cro Magnon, who descended on Europe more than 100k after Wolf Cave, Lappfjärd, Finland.