lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013


...(E)=scyl/scyllan(OE)=sh/xillan/tli(Letra)=xillantli(N)=abdomen, vientre=uentli(N)=ofrenda(sp)= womb, flank, costado(sp)=side, e.g., xillanquauhti(N)=side eagle/cuauhtli(N/15 Tonalamatl), i.e., the Promethean punishment visited on the Fallen Angel, Nephillim(H)=side to side child= nepa pilli(N), Anakim(H)=Anac(N)=who/which?=Anac(E)=i am absent,=Aya n-ac(N)=before i existed, Neandertal,=xillanquauhtic(N)=who suffers side pains,=xillanquauhtiliztli(N)=side pain,= xillanuipilli(N)=sh(r)ill wimple= ui(m)pilli(N), ah but, xilé(N)=sillín(sp)=little seat, would be a shill(E/slang)= plant/stooge/paid seat/ a stoolie/informer=xilé(N)=stool=toloa(N)=bow the head/tolerate(barely).=skirl(E)=cry out shrilly(E)=xillantli(N)=of the bagpipe(xiv), which is a belly bellows/stomach. .....Xilo(N)=Goddess of Corn Ears, whose image is dressed with a red/shrill uipilli(N)= vimpill(ON)=wimpel(OE/OFrisian/G)=wimpal(OHG)=guimple(OFr)= whimp/whimper(E), not of echoic orig. the uipilli(N)=was blouse with needlepoint collar, european version was for the head, face, neck, cheeks, now worn by nuns=nontli(N)= mute(E)=nonti/onontic(N)=no/mu(n)te/ti(E), turn silent, turn someone silent/quiet. m/n interchange as letters, as Nauatl labels, but m doesn't=4. .....silent(E)=xilé(N)=sillín(sp)=silencio(sp). one sits in silence, but rises to speak.