martes, 16 de julio de 2013
...=fusion, harmony=h/a(r)monequi(Letra)=a-monequi(N)=without/a-monequi/necessity(E),=yok/g/catl(Letra)=
yoke(E)=yocatl(N)=owner,=yugi(Japanese)=play,=jugar(sp)=olgau(Basque)=oynamak(Turkish)=coyoni na maca(N)=
make/maca holes/coyoni na/all directions, i.e., lower body on one leg and hit the matotopetli(N)=ball
with extended thigh, the scoop move for a low ball in,=ollama/ullama/oollan(N)=play ball with hips and nalgas=na(l)c/gas(Letra)=nacatl(N)=nachas(Mex/slang)=butt.
.....Taxco(Mex/silver town)=where/-co the ball game/Ollama Tlachtli(N)=Tlac/chtli(Letra)=Tlaca(N)=body,
e.g., Sepak Takraw/Raga(Malay)=S/Cipactli(N/1 Tonalamatl)=S/c(r)ip(ac)t/li(Letra)=Scribe and Navigator of
Quetzalcoatl Expedition to Amerinda, 3309 BCE, Takraw/Takro(Thai)=woven ball/ballgame,=T/Tlac/(r)aw/wa/ua
(Letra)=Tlacua(N)=owns/ua tlaca/body,=Raga=R/T/laca(N)=body,=Sipa(Phillipine)=kick/ball game,= Si/Cipactli(N/1 Tonalamatl)=personage,model for Thoth, oldest son of Ra, as first Scribe=s/C(r)ip/be(Letra)= Cipactonal(N)=S/C(r)ip(ac)t/li(Letra)=Script,=Cipac/Sebas/t(li)on/al(Letra)=Sebastion(Gk/King), Sepak(Malay) =Sei Dak(Khmer)=D/T/Tlac/k=Tlachtli(N).
.....Cuju(Chinese)=2kyo kick ball game, began 476-221 BCE, the early date about the time the Southeast Asian Japanese
Olmec left Amerinda, an offshoot of Sepak Takraw with accent on personal juggling of the ball and individual
points for passing long or short of other players or boundaries, which were marked off by thread. the court
of Malayan Sepak Tak/Dak has a centerline=tlecotl(N)=rising line, as in Tlachtli Ollama(Nauatl), and 2 hemispheres on each side of said line where the rings of Ollama Tlachtli were in the much larger Amerind courts where theball was solid rubber, the size of a basketball, stone or wooden yokes/yugi(J)/jugar(sp) being used in ritual and real contests, the ball cradled by scoop maneuver/Oynamak(Turkish)/Coy-na-maca(N).