martes, 30 de julio de 2013
Ueue Tlapallan
...=Egypt, coalesced 3150 BCE, Quetzalcoatl Copper Expedition, 3309 BCE, Otzi, Tyrolean Copper Smelter, 3300 BCE,=the Amerind point of origin in Legend=Ueue Tlapallan(N)=Old Red,=Funerary Egypt, place of the dead,
=paradise(E)=fildaus(Arab)=f/piloa d/t/lauitl(Letra)= Piloa tlauitl(N)=Ochre spill, the Red Land, Kemet=
kemetlalli(Letra)=quemado(sp)tlalli(N)= burnt land, land of Ochre, land of the Dead, form of Tlalocan, rain god of Teotihuacan's paradise, the West. Egypt, West End for Orient East, defined later by the Silk Trail.
.....fil-daus(A)=f/piloa(N)=spilla(ONorse)=spill/pile(E)-d/t/l/au(i)s/th/t/t/l(Letra)=tlauitl(N)=ochre, but
the word, ocre/ochre, from ocelix/celia(N)=to revive, resuscitate, which was the millenium-old hope for
its application, and, from the wordstring of tlauitl(N)= tlauiz(N)=tl/t/daw(n)iz(Letra)=dawn, as in, Tlauiz-
calpan-tecuhtli(N)=Lord of the House of the Dawn, epithet for Quetzalcoatl Morningstar, who announces his
father the tone/tune Tonatiuh(N)=Anthony Tonalamatl Calendar=tonalli(N)= soul, of our Universe.
.....above one sees Quetzalcoatl, Lord Tlauiz/Lawis/Lewis of Dawn House make way for Father Sun and give
mortals hope for their own rebirth through both Father and Son, e.g., tlacati(N)=to be born,=tlacatli(N)=
tac(OHG)=tag(G)=daeg(OE)= tlacatl(N)=tlatlaca(N)=flame being,= tlallica/tlalca(N)=earth being.
...tlaca(N)=body,=tl/t/da(n)ce(Letra)=dance(E)/trance(E)=t/l/raka(Letra)=raka(Fennec)=sin,=rakka(Ainu)=otter(amphibian mammal).