viernes, 26 de julio de 2013
...Yunnan theory, 1889, 2.5-1.5k Bce=migration from Assam. Malay and Kamboj(Sanskrit) language source at
Mekong river delta.
.....1965=New Guinea theory=seafarers=Orang Laut=lau(Basque)=4=oalauh/alaua(N)=annoint=l/naui(N)=4/navvy(E),
=Orang=O/r/t/la(n)c/g(Letra)=atlacatl(N)=sailor. also called Lanun, Celates, Orang Celat. Lanun is a form
of the Laut=naui/nauh(N)=oalauh/alaua(N)=alabar(sp)=Allah, laude(Fr), hallow, hallelujah, allow. Celates/
Celat=Ocelotl(N/14 Tonalamatl), only found in this form in the Nauatl Diccionario, isbn 968-23-0573-x,
linking these sailors to Cave Existence and Flame-hole-Thea, regent of the Tonalamtl, Grandmother of the
West, as the Chinese call her. the date for the Lanun Celat=2k BCE as crew for Arab/Chinese/Persian, about the time the Olmec Feline race arrive in Amerinda, 1.8k-4c. BCE, as seafaring colonists with their Japanese host.
.....1997=Taiwan theory=6kya migration from S. China, 4.5kya to Borneo, 5kya Phillipines. the Champa=
Cantli pa(N)=painted cheeks, from Central and S. Vietnam, Dong Son & Haobinhian, 13k-3k BCE, flake and cobble/pudding stone lithics, from Vietnam/Kampuchea=campotzoa(N/verb)=puff out/inflate cheeks=Cambodia, all from Taiwan, whose early dialects are raw Nauatl.
.....Riau-Lingaa Archipelago(Pirates)=R/Tiacuauh(N)=valient/intrepid,-Lingaa(N)=Tilinqui(N)=fid used to
separate warp,=Lingam(Sanskrit)=lengua(sp)=lincua(Latin), i.e., tongue of land.
...nipa=salt used to congeal rubber in crude balls; palm that needs fresh water flowing out to sea to live,=nepa/nipa(N/adv)=back and forth,=ne(r)pa(Russile)=seal=s/ce at/l(N)=one Water, 17th trecena of the Tonalamatl(N),=neap(E)=lowest mark of high tide,=nep/nepflood(OE),=Neptune=Neptonatiuh(N)=sea lord of tides.
.....Tapang tree=T/lapacatl(N)=wash/laundry,=tlapatl(N)=castor bean tree, used to poison arrows, hmmm,
Tapang=Tlapacho/Tlapachoani(N)=who aministers his goods, house, who governs, conducts, directs; who incubates(hen),=pachoa(N)=Pochotl(N)=Bombax Cieba, protector, governor, father/mother,=P/Bog/c/chotl (Letra)=Bog(Russile), or, Popoca(N)=po/p/Bog/ca(Letra)=smoke, fog(E)=pom(Mayan)=incense,=broom(E)= proper(E).