martes, 30 de julio de 2013
Ueue Tlapallan
...=Egypt, coalesced 3150 BCE, Quetzalcoatl Copper Expedition, 3309 BCE, Otzi, Tyrolean Copper Smelter, 3300 BCE,=the Amerind point of origin in Legend=Ueue Tlapallan(N)=Old Red,=Funerary Egypt, place of the dead,
=paradise(E)=fildaus(Arab)=f/piloa d/t/lauitl(Letra)= Piloa tlauitl(N)=Ochre spill, the Red Land, Kemet=
kemetlalli(Letra)=quemado(sp)tlalli(N)= burnt land, land of Ochre, land of the Dead, form of Tlalocan, rain god of Teotihuacan's paradise, the West. Egypt, West End for Orient East, defined later by the Silk Trail.
.....fil-daus(A)=f/piloa(N)=spilla(ONorse)=spill/pile(E)-d/t/l/au(i)s/th/t/t/l(Letra)=tlauitl(N)=ochre, but
the word, ocre/ochre, from ocelix/celia(N)=to revive, resuscitate, which was the millenium-old hope for
its application, and, from the wordstring of tlauitl(N)= tlauiz(N)=tl/t/daw(n)iz(Letra)=dawn, as in, Tlauiz-
calpan-tecuhtli(N)=Lord of the House of the Dawn, epithet for Quetzalcoatl Morningstar, who announces his
father the tone/tune Tonatiuh(N)=Anthony Tonalamatl Calendar=tonalli(N)= soul, of our Universe.
.....above one sees Quetzalcoatl, Lord Tlauiz/Lawis/Lewis of Dawn House make way for Father Sun and give
mortals hope for their own rebirth through both Father and Son, e.g., tlacati(N)=to be born,=tlacatli(N)=
tac(OHG)=tag(G)=daeg(OE)= tlacatl(N)=tlatlaca(N)=flame being,= tlallica/tlalca(N)=earth being.
...tlaca(N)=body,=tl/t/da(n)ce(Letra)=dance(E)/trance(E)=t/l/raka(Letra)=raka(Fennec)=sin,=rakka(Ainu)=otter(amphibian mammal).
lunes, 29 de julio de 2013
domingo, 28 de julio de 2013
(J)=squeak/creak;be fond of singularity;mourning period,=ki(J)=tree/shrub/wood,=
ki(J)=time/an age=aco(N)=ago(E),=ki(J)=raw,=kifuku(J)=ups and downs,=kifu(J)=
spirit,=kido(J)=wicket/gate,=quauitl/ki-do/toloa=tree bend,=kicho(J)=keynote,=
kichi(J)=wit/resources,=kifurushi(J)=worn-out clothes,=kikifurushita(J)=stale,
=kikikata(J)=how to hear,=kikioku(N)=keep in mind,=kikite(J)=a listener,=
kikkyo(J)=good/bad luck,=kiko(J)=unable to back down,=kiko(J)=lay the keel.
viernes, 26 de julio de 2013
...Yunnan theory, 1889, 2.5-1.5k Bce=migration from Assam. Malay and Kamboj(Sanskrit) language source at
Mekong river delta.
.....1965=New Guinea theory=seafarers=Orang Laut=lau(Basque)=4=oalauh/alaua(N)=annoint=l/naui(N)=4/navvy(E),
=Orang=O/r/t/la(n)c/g(Letra)=atlacatl(N)=sailor. also called Lanun, Celates, Orang Celat. Lanun is a form
of the Laut=naui/nauh(N)=oalauh/alaua(N)=alabar(sp)=Allah, laude(Fr), hallow, hallelujah, allow. Celates/
Celat=Ocelotl(N/14 Tonalamatl), only found in this form in the Nauatl Diccionario, isbn 968-23-0573-x,
linking these sailors to Cave Existence and Flame-hole-Thea, regent of the Tonalamtl, Grandmother of the
West, as the Chinese call her. the date for the Lanun Celat=2k BCE as crew for Arab/Chinese/Persian, about the time the Olmec Feline race arrive in Amerinda, 1.8k-4c. BCE, as seafaring colonists with their Japanese host.
.....1997=Taiwan theory=6kya migration from S. China, 4.5kya to Borneo, 5kya Phillipines. the Champa=
Cantli pa(N)=painted cheeks, from Central and S. Vietnam, Dong Son & Haobinhian, 13k-3k BCE, flake and cobble/pudding stone lithics, from Vietnam/Kampuchea=campotzoa(N/verb)=puff out/inflate cheeks=Cambodia, all from Taiwan, whose early dialects are raw Nauatl.
.....Riau-Lingaa Archipelago(Pirates)=R/Tiacuauh(N)=valient/intrepid,-Lingaa(N)=Tilinqui(N)=fid used to
separate warp,=Lingam(Sanskrit)=lengua(sp)=lincua(Latin), i.e., tongue of land.
...nipa=salt used to congeal rubber in crude balls; palm that needs fresh water flowing out to sea to live,=nepa/nipa(N/adv)=back and forth,=ne(r)pa(Russile)=seal=s/ce at/l(N)=one Water, 17th trecena of the Tonalamatl(N),=neap(E)=lowest mark of high tide,=nep/nepflood(OE),=Neptune=Neptonatiuh(N)=sea lord of tides.
.....Tapang tree=T/lapacatl(N)=wash/laundry,=tlapatl(N)=castor bean tree, used to poison arrows, hmmm,
Tapang=Tlapacho/Tlapachoani(N)=who aministers his goods, house, who governs, conducts, directs; who incubates(hen),=pachoa(N)=Pochotl(N)=Bombax Cieba, protector, governor, father/mother,=P/Bog/c/chotl (Letra)=Bog(Russile), or, Popoca(N)=po/p/Bog/ca(Letra)=smoke, fog(E)=pom(Mayan)=incense,=broom(E)= proper(E).
jueves, 25 de julio de 2013
...fiddlefaddle(E)=paddle=patla/opatlac(N)=alternate, trade,=fadaise(Fr)=fadeza(Port).
.....fade(E)=fader(OFr)=fade(OFr)=vapid, dull,=fatuus(Latin)=silly=iliuiz(N)=without relexion,=zili(Letra)=
silly(E),=patla/opatlac(N)=swap, alternate, e.g., nino-patla(N)=be bored, lose hope/confidence, tire of
waiting,=fate(E), hangs in the balance/alternate.
martes, 23 de julio de 2013
lunes, 22 de julio de 2013
...the law prevailing in Ireland before the English occupation, xvi, Breathamp(Irish)=ancient Irish judge,=
brithem(OIrish)=breth(OIr)=judgement,=b(r)/pet/th(Letra)=petla(N)=to throw,=petra/piedra(sp)=stoning=
motla(N)=stone,=mo/your body/tlaca(N)=t/l/raka(Finnish)=sin,=mo(r)tla(Letra)=mortal/moral/mort(F).
.....hamp-shire=sh/xilé(N)=little seat=sillín(sp)=hants/hand/antler=tlantli(N)=tooth=tand(Du)= dant(Walsh)=
dantis(Lith.)=diente(sp). .....Brehon(Irish)=judge, wore yellow robes when
delivering sentence(E)=cententli(N)=one word, i.e., yellow is the color of death, cf.,
Hallow'en,=Breton(Brittany/Celtic Language People=Pipil/tin/N).
iader(OFris)=ieder(OSaxon)=outhar(Gk)=udhar(Skrt), hmmm, conjoins with udall/uthall/ithualli(N)=patio,
where milling/milking=milch(G)=milchiua(N) is done by mulier(Latin)=mujer(sp), whose etymology goes back to molli(Nauatl)=salsa, i.e., moler(sp)=Mueller(G/name),=moliniani(N)=mo-oliniani(N)=olinia(N)=move, agitate, displace, b/oil(E)=molictli(N)=elbow/codo)sp),=nomolic/imolic/tomolic(N)=my/your/our elbow in general, e.g., do a lick of work.
.....(m)olli(N)=olinia(N)=Olin(N/17 Tonalamatl). outhar(Gk)=(i)th(o/u)alli(Letra)=ithualli(N). if one puts
(m/n)label Nauatl=(M)outhar(Gk)=Mouthar(Letra)=Mother. an example of the inevitability of specific word formation, also, mulier(Latin)/mujer(sp).
domingo, 21 de julio de 2013
creep crop
...creopan(OE)=crope/crop(p)en(ME)=criopan(OSaxon), related to, crop(E)=bird's raw; head of a plant, top
of an object; whipstock with handle and loop(describes a cup, perfectly),=crop(p)(OE)=
croppus/cropa(Anglo-Latin), lop, poll, pluck, pull,=copina/oopin(Nauatl)=take one thing from another, copy(E), model, extract/draw a sword, cup(E), co(m)bine, co(m)b, co(m)pare(E) creeping/cropping up a mountain climb(E)=clumban(OE/past particliple)=clumbon(OE/preterit)= clim/clam/clum(Scand)=clamber(E)=
climb with hands and feet,=creep(E).
Quanzhou=Chinese port, Fujian Province on Taiwan Strait, aka, Zayton(Arab)=Tzayanqui Tonatiuh(Nauatl)=striped SunTone(Minnan dialect)=satin(E), Cantonese, uses Roman ABC for Nauatl 13 sound system becomes our 26 ltr ABC.
Teocheu( Hakka/Cantonese Nauatl matrix)=Teo-ch/ceuhqui(N)=the other/Deo/
ua(Teoc)=I(E)=1st pers.sing.=ua(N)=own(E)=wa(China/Nihon)=lang(ua)ge(E)=
Wa/Wei=Ua/Ue(N)=J/China. i-kai(Teoj)=3/ps,=i-nan(Teo)=3/pp,=i-(N)=
3/ cen(Teoc)=green(E)=gr/ceen=ce(N)=one,=cel/celtin(N)=only/alone.
cui(Teoc)=mouth,=cuicatl(N)=canto, music/song.gho(Teoj)=goose(E)=choca(N)=cry,= gacho(Japanese/reversal)=ganso(sp).
hung(Teoc)=cloud,=h/th/t/toca(N)=sow and bury,=toca(N)=tocar(sp)=touch(E).
sen(Teoc)=born,=s/ce(N)=one, cel/celtin(N)=only.
lin(Teoc)=zero=Olin(N/17 Tona)=movement.
Saintly(E)=Corn Deo=4th nature/night teotl/Tona.
lak(Teoc)=6=t/lak/ca(Letra)=tlaca(N)=body/language= death sign in Tona, Miquiztli/priestly.
sábado, 20 de julio de 2013
...Iacolli(N)=shoulder, daw=sluggard, slut,=dawe(OE/hypothetical form)=taha(OHG)=tach(G.dial.)=t/laca(Letra)
=tlaca(N)=body,=lark/larch(E)=bird(no relation to daw except in name)/tree, taccola(Ital)=taula(Med.Latin),
.....other root for daw(E)=cadaw/caddow(E)=ca(element)=kae(Sand.)=co(ONorse)=ka(Da. kaa)=cacalotl(Nauatl)=
crows, note, the plural of Calli(N/3 Tonalamatl)=house/being,=Cacalotl(N).
.....the Jackdaw is a vain bird, likes what shines, can be trapped by a dish of olive oil in which he sees his reflexion and falls in, e.g., jack=iago=Iakhos(Gk)=Bacchus(Gk)=iacolli(N)=shoulder, identified by its
shoulder coloring, will perch on one's shoulder?
.....a train of daw, or, a clattering of Jackdaw. the Daurian Jackdaw found in east Russia&China, hybridized in the Altai(Mts), southern Siberia, Mongolia, i.e., Coloeus=coloa(N)=curl/color(E) Monedula and Coloeus Dauurius.
.....because of its short, gros beak, the daw has been the source of gastrointestinal outbreaks linked with
salmonella in Spain and England. in England it was the daw's habit of pecking at the top of milk cartons
delivered to door to door.
viernes, 19 de julio de 2013
...hebeny(H)=hebenyf(Wycliffe Bible)=eben-(Gk/Lat.)=hbnj(Egyptian)=h/th/tepehuiztli(N)= hard, spiney tree
from which playing balls are made, e.g., Hebrew=H/th/Tepewa(Letra)= Tepe-ua(Nauatl)=Mountain/Te(m)ple(E)/
Tepee owners, e.g., as the Mazyec/Mazyectlalli(N)= YesDeerLand people. Mazyec is auto-designation for Berber=
varvar(Russile)=barbar-ian(E), and in the Nomad Tlaloc Deer Period was the name for all North Africa.
...2.tepeua/otepeuh(N/verb)=to be scattered like leaves; to sow/sprinkle on the ground, e.g., atlan nontla-
tepeua(N)=botar un barco(sp)/launch a ship, e.g., tepeuh-uitz(N)=be reunited, acalli tepeuh-uitz(N)=fleet,
gathering of ships, naval force.
.....Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=Maz(OHG)=meat(E)=deer/Yectlalli(N)=Yec/Yiz-t/l/ralli(Letra)=Y/Israel= YesLand,=
Yectli(N)=good, virtuous, just=Yuhti(N)=justice(E)=Yud'hi(Hebrew)= Yudhisthira(Hindu/Mahabharata)=steady in
war=Yudh(Hindu)=(i)s/ti(r)la(Letra)=tilana(N)= stretch the bow,=Yuhti tilana(N)=bowmen from the beginning, e.g., Hyksos(conquerers of Egypt/twice)=H/th/Tecpatl s/z/Tzotzoyotia(N)= Flint/Arrow Society with rapid-
fire laminated bows.
jueves, 18 de julio de 2013
...=lane(OE)=lana/laen(OFris)=lane(MDu)=laan(Du), of unknown origin,=t/lan/tli(Letra)=tlantli(N)=tooth=
to-oth/t/tlantli(N)=our tooth,=t/land/tli(Letra)=land(E)=tl/t/th/Hants(E)=the modern English has gone back to its root)=Hampshire/Southhampton(E)=Hamtun/Hamtunscir(OE)=H/Th/Tamati/Otama(N)=ruled,=Tame(E)/Tamaño(sp)= sized, -tun/Tona-tiuh(N)=Sun,=Town, e.g., shtetl(H)=tetl(N)=Stone=S/Tonatiuh,=Tun(Mayan=360 day solar year,
=Hamtun-scir(OE)=scir(OE)=area surrounding,=shire(E)=sc/sh/xil/ré(Letra)=xilé(Nauatl)=sillín(sp)=little seat,=shill(American slang)=paid seat holder, also from chelín(sp)=shilling(E).
.....tlantli(N)=tl/antler(E)=deer=deor(OE)=Teotl(N) rack=r/t/lac/ka(Letra)=tlaca(N)=body,=lanthorn(E)=due to
assoc. with horn,=lantern(E)=lane te(r)n(Letra)=tentli(N)=edge/lip,=tlantli tentli(N)=tlanten(N)=tooth edge,
or, toothland and its lip,=t/lante(r)n(Letra).
...Briton=B(r)/Piton(Letra)=Pitli Tonatiuh(N)=Older Sisters of the Sun, i.e., Wind/Caillech=Chair Leg worshippers, e.g., Beira, White Goddess of Winter=Uitequi(N)=Ui/Wi(n)te/qui(Letra)=White/Winter/Wheat, of Neandra Bear/Beira/Iberia Solstice Devotions, e.g., antlers were used as shovels to dig the outer rings of Stonehenge=Tonatiuh Tentli Ce(N)=Sun's/Tone's One Edge/Lip.
....and lest i forget, hand in hand down the lane=tlantli(N)=tl/t/th/hand/t/li(Letra)=hand(E)=hantel(MLG)=
martes, 16 de julio de 2013
...=fusion, harmony=h/a(r)monequi(Letra)=a-monequi(N)=without/a-monequi/necessity(E),=yok/g/catl(Letra)=
yoke(E)=yocatl(N)=owner,=yugi(Japanese)=play,=jugar(sp)=olgau(Basque)=oynamak(Turkish)=coyoni na maca(N)=
make/maca holes/coyoni na/all directions, i.e., lower body on one leg and hit the matotopetli(N)=ball
with extended thigh, the scoop move for a low ball in,=ollama/ullama/oollan(N)=play ball with hips and nalgas=na(l)c/gas(Letra)=nacatl(N)=nachas(Mex/slang)=butt.
.....Taxco(Mex/silver town)=where/-co the ball game/Ollama Tlachtli(N)=Tlac/chtli(Letra)=Tlaca(N)=body,
e.g., Sepak Takraw/Raga(Malay)=S/Cipactli(N/1 Tonalamatl)=S/c(r)ip(ac)t/li(Letra)=Scribe and Navigator of
Quetzalcoatl Expedition to Amerinda, 3309 BCE, Takraw/Takro(Thai)=woven ball/ballgame,=T/Tlac/(r)aw/wa/ua
(Letra)=Tlacua(N)=owns/ua tlaca/body,=Raga=R/T/laca(N)=body,=Sipa(Phillipine)=kick/ball game,= Si/Cipactli(N/1 Tonalamatl)=personage,model for Thoth, oldest son of Ra, as first Scribe=s/C(r)ip/be(Letra)= Cipactonal(N)=S/C(r)ip(ac)t/li(Letra)=Script,=Cipac/Sebas/t(li)on/al(Letra)=Sebastion(Gk/King), Sepak(Malay) =Sei Dak(Khmer)=D/T/Tlac/k=Tlachtli(N).
.....Cuju(Chinese)=2kyo kick ball game, began 476-221 BCE, the early date about the time the Southeast Asian Japanese
Olmec left Amerinda, an offshoot of Sepak Takraw with accent on personal juggling of the ball and individual
points for passing long or short of other players or boundaries, which were marked off by thread. the court
of Malayan Sepak Tak/Dak has a centerline=tlecotl(N)=rising line, as in Tlachtli Ollama(Nauatl), and 2 hemispheres on each side of said line where the rings of Ollama Tlachtli were in the much larger Amerind courts where theball was solid rubber, the size of a basketball, stone or wooden yokes/yugi(J)/jugar(sp) being used in ritual and real contests, the ball cradled by scoop maneuver/Oynamak(Turkish)/Coy-na-maca(N).
lunes, 15 de julio de 2013
...(sp)=ostentation, pompous show; cry of acclamation. potli(Nauatl)=boot(G)=boat, but it's not that root,
although confused with it,=p/both/t/li(Letra)=punt/pond/pont(Latin). no, not that one.
.....boato(sp/inverse)=to boa/poa(N)=count,=power(E)=our/to poa/power count is what show is for,= boast/bloat(E), something that is puffed. the pont/bridge between potli and (to)poa(N)=boater(E)=hat worn for regattas, boating, or show.....referring to herring bloats, hmmm, puffed=pu/op/foca(Letra)=popoca(N)= smoked, but, blow=power=poa/opouh(N)=flower, plower, fue(J)=flute(E/one of 2 roots).
hodden gray
c/g(r)asa(sp)=grease(E). hodden(E)=coarse, woolen cloth,= h/sh=1.xoxotla(N)=scarlet, silk cloth, luciernaga(sp)=firefly,=2.xoxotla(N)=bleed someone; nitla-/nic-xoxotla(N)=saw, cut something, e.g.,
nic-xoxotla in tetl(N)=cut stone,=xotla(N)=be very hot, e.g., nitla-xotla(N)=cut cloth, make stripes/lines,
saw wood.
...hod(E)=open receptacle for carrying bricks/for holding coal=Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl),=hot(E/dialectic)=
hott(Cursor Manuscript)=hotte(OFr)=pannier, creel(E)=cel/celtin(N)=alone/only,=xotla(Nauatl)=xoxotla(N).
domingo, 14 de julio de 2013
...=over/mover(E)=ueOue(Etruscan/Liber Linteus)=Jove(Roman)=en eure(Fr)=in practice,=inure/enure(E)=
habituate,=enewre(Caxton/Lives of Saints/First book printed in English)=put into operation,=Orrin(Name)=
Orr/llin(Letra)=Olin/Ollin(N/17 Tonalamatl)=(r)oll/Holy(E)=in Olin(N)=the Holy(E)=ure/eure(Anglo-Norman)=
...Oeuv(r)e(Fr)=ueOve/ue(Etruscan), e.g., odol(Basque)=b/lood(E)=idol(E)=od/tli(Letra)=otli(N). o(r)der(E)
is not as important as assemblage.
viernes, 12 de julio de 2013
jueves, 11 de julio de 2013
.....2.spring(E/verb)=springan(OE/OSaxon/OHG)=bound, leap,= springa(OFris/ONorse)=(s)p(r)in ga/ca(N)=being(Letra)=(s)pin-(Letra, 1st particle of, spring)=piloa(N)=
colgarse, caer, derramarse desde lo alto/hang up, fall, pour(publish)from on high,=spilla(ONorse)=spill(E). the verb spring/springa, the -ga/ca(N)=being, marks the tendency for piloa(N/verb)to be nominative, e.g., spill(E)=pila(sp)=battery=patla(N)=paddle,=pilot/spire/pyre/fire. does not have to choose between roots, both are available. today we are used to having Harvest
in otoño(sp)=preterit of Tonatiuh(N)=SunTone(E)=autumn(E). if you've spent a hard Winter=uitequi
(N)=thresh/wheat/white(E), picking begins right away. by the old 7 Greek Seasons, Harvest is in Opora(Gk)=
Opportune(E), notably rainy and stormy, being the 7th day of the 7th Trecena/13 days of Quiauitl(N/19 Tona)=
Qui/auitl=a(r)ui(s)t/l=whist(Grange Card Game)=H/arvest(E), which can be dated 85 days from the beginning
of the Tonalamatl year, 2/3 of March=6x13=78&7=85days=March/April/May=90 days-5days=85=26th of May.
miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013
domingo, 7 de julio de 2013
...euatl(N)=leather(E)=eua(Nauatl/verb)=leave(E/verb and noun), flee, e.g., nin-/ni-/n-eua(N)=to arise, go, depart, flee, take off=emprender el vuelo(sp)=take flight, e.g., teuic or teca n-eua(N)=attack, throw oneself at someone, lack respect for their person, and, teixo or teixo teicpac nin-eua(N)=be impudent, discourteous, lack respect, offend(a person).
.....Nin-eua(Nauatl)=Ninevah(City, Genesis 10:11).
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