lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013
...esquirol(sp/Port)=escurol(Port)=ecureuil(Fr), hmmm, 2 Nauatl verbs in the French word, nouns come from verbs, and squirrel comes from 2: curl=
coloa(N)=coil(E)=coleen(E)=cailin(Irish)=dim. of caile(Irish)=Carlin(Irish/
Scot)=country woman,=Chair leg, the hag, Welty=Ueltiuhtli(N)=older sister
of the Sun, the Wind, deer herder of white tartan, aka, Beira, and founder
of the 7 races, Chicomoztoc/7 caves. and, uilana(N)=drag4patas, by extension, hacer niñerias/childish pranks(peek-a-boo), e.g., inmiscuirse/butt into someone else's acorn. coloa(N) refers to the tail and
going around the tree, uilana(N)=wheel(E) refers to squabbling and stealing that goes on with colouilana(N)=cola(sp)=tail=-tlatl/cuitlatl(N), e.g.,
guilan(Cornish)=gull(E)=uilana(N), same squabbling and stealing as skworl.
the -rol(sp/Port suffix)=-olin(N)is explained by tendency of uilana(N)to incorporate (o)=olin(N)=roll(E) into, ui(o)lana(N), to form, violent(E),
which squirrel/gull play is, with plenty of chattering, screeching, and
scolding., Squirrel Post/Tlatlatzolteotl/5 Feb. 2012. onotiuh(N)=persist