sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013


...herci(proto-Basque)=1.tight(E)/narrow/cramped, 2.worried/exhausted, 3.nasal congestion/catarrh, 4.to close, 5.to squeeze/press,= hertsi/hers-tu(Lapurdian)=1.tight(E)/narrow/cramped, 4.to close, note the trailing -tu, and the embedded -t-, which is first letter of root=te(r)se(E)=polished, smoothed, neat, polite, concise,=tieso(sp)=tight (E)= tezcatl(N)=mirror, i.e., polished stone=tez/tetl(N)=shtetl(H). ...Tezcatlipoca(N)=Smoking Mirror,=Necoc Yaotl(N)=Enemy of both sides, just as catarrh is the enemy both sides of the nasal passages. the special enemy of Quetzalcoatl, provokes discord, war among men, his divine stone idol= teotetl(N)covered with gold=colotli(N)=zoloto(R)=zloty(Polish), and in his left hand a fan so taut and brilliant with feathers it seems a mirror/tezcatl(N). ...hmmm, taut(E/taught)=toctli(N)=tocter(G)=docter(Du)=doctor(E)=daughter(E). ...tight(E)=dicht(G)=dense(E)=d/t(i)e(n)so=tense(E)=tieso(sp)=tezcatl(N). ...dight(ME)=special applications such as, polish/burnish/smooth. ...taut(E)=tozt(ME). ...tough(E)=toh(OE)=zah(G)=zahi(OHG)=tei(MLG)=taai(Du). often the German will take its first letter from -z-, embedded in Nauatl root, e.g., tezcatl(N)=-zca/tl=zah(G), or, in the case of catzaua(N)=greed(E), put the embed -tz- separate from its t/th/z=gradathaz/graduthaz(CGerm)when its root=cat/za-ua arms its a's as, -aua(N). in gratac(OHG)=greed(E) one can see a palindrome forming, the insertion of (r)=g(r)a/tac and the separated z/s/c=gra/tac/s/z at the end of the word, which by coincidence is the reverse of the Nauatl root=catzaua(N)=-tac=cat/zaua, but the c/g(r)a- tells us which tail is the head.