viernes, 29 de marzo de 2013
jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013
roña, tiña, viruelas(pox),=sau/zau (at)l/r/na. note (na)=Nauatl label, the at/l/r shift, sarna, the sau(p-B)/zau(Lap.)/zau(N) ident of 1st 3 letters.
...sasi(proto-Basque)=1.bramble/thorn,2.bramble bush/thicket, in the thick
of it,=tzalan-tzintli(N)=between, in the middle of,=tzalan/tzallantli(N)=
canyon,=zarzarmora(sp)=zar/tzal(an)-tzi(ntli)=sa/zar/tzal -si/zar/tzintli,
=sasi(All dialects). invasive species, climbing plant, roots grow from branches for top(climb)and bottom(root)effect, basic chromosome #7=7.Deer=
7.Flower Prince Xochipilli,7 Greek seasons(Orchard Culture), as opposed to
20 chromosomes for Corn/Maíz, our digits and the Tonalamatl cempoalli(N)/
tlalli(N)=growing, budding land, green field.
...seldor(proto-Basque)=load of wood,=sendor(Bizkaian)=seldor(Lapurdian)=
ce(N) d/toloa(N)=one bow(the head), one door, one round=tolontic(N)=l/ront=rond(Fr)=sendor(Biz)=s/cel/celtin d/toloa(N)= only/lone door/bow/round.
toloa(N)=door/dolor(sp)/sorrow/horror/tolerate(E)/toll(bell of passage)/ thor(n),=zendor(Gipuzcoan)=firewood for making charcoal(founding copper= te-puz-tli=Gi-puz-koan=coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl)=coal(E).
cenneix-cueyoniliztli(N)=in the wink/wick/uic(N/adv) of an eye, in a small
instant, cenn/sen-he/eix.,=zer(All dialects)=what, e.g., zein(B)=which,=
ze-la(B)=how,=ze/se/ce/quen/quem?(Nauatl/adv.interrog.)=how/how much/what?
here, one finds the (n/m) on the Nauatl side, meaning 4(all directions,
except center, which defines que-(N)-stion(E), hacía los 4vientos/rumbos).
...sesen(proto-Basque)=bull,=zezen(All dialects)=cecen/cecem(N)=each/to each one,=ceceyaca/cecenyaca(N)=each/one by one,=ceceyotl(N)=grease,
fat/sebo(sp), bone marrow/tuétano de buey=ue(N)=way(big)=
quaquaue yceceyo(N)=ox marrow=meollo(sp)=metalotl(N)=meollo de maguey.
note shift from animal to vegetable, metl(N)=maquey. meollar(sp/naut)=
spun yarn, meollada(sp)=fry of animals brains. the mix of marrow/meollo
is midwifed by metalotl(N)/metl(N). maerh/maerg(OE/vegetable pith)=merg/
string, pith of the penca/maguey leaf blade, central or vital part of vegetable, metl(N)=maguey, xv, cucurbita ovifera, xix, disk squash.
simi(n)c=(proto-Basque)=bedbug,=zimitz(High&Low Navarrese)=zimi(n)tza
(Lapurdian)=chinche(sp)=bedbug,=chi/zi m(i)n tza/cha/che=chinche(N)=quadruped.
sinaguri(proto-Basque)=ant=tzicatl(N)=tzicololtia(N)=stick,=atle mitzicololtiz(N)=nothing stops you,=tzi/si(na)guri/col(olt)i(a.
martes, 26 de marzo de 2013
1.saki(proto-Basque)=tibia/nape. a.berna zaki=pierna/petla(Nawa)/b.lepa tzaki=
re(s)napaloa=re(s)nable(OFr/OE)=reasonable. 2.saki(p-B)=shank/shin(E)=tibia(E),=
xacaloa(N)=shoot the bow,=shake(E)=xaqualoa=rub/scratch,=sakur/zakur/txakur=
4.sama(p-B)=neck,=sama(Biz)=camatl(N)=mouth. 5.samar(p-B)=Samarkand/zamarra/
txamarra=camaua/chamaua(N)=yellow/thick,=chamauac ichcatomitl=rude wool,=chamauac ichcatl=wool tacking/ticking,=chamarra(sp)=coarse garment
domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013
Quiahuitl-Ozomatli(N/7th trecena span)=wet monkey.
e.g., ocelomichin=ocelo-fish(Wels catfish).
6.toptli/dob harchu/tlaca(N/Irish)=
dobhran(ScGael)=dwrgi(Wales)=dw/top tlac/rg. 7.otli celia(N)=blossom,=
uda/summer/otli celia/gera=udagera(Basque).
8.ica tlapacani(N)=standup washer.
chipini/ochipin(N/verb)=small rain,=txipi/xipi(Zuber.)=chipini/ochipin(N)=
ttipi/tipi(Zuber/Lapurd). 3.toki(p-B)=location(E)=toki(B)=tloc(N)=beside/loco(Sp)=
Loki(Norse Devil)=form of Xolotl, deity of monsters/twins,=Quetzal's dog brother.
4.torto(p-B)=bud,=torto(Bizkaian)=totoca(N)=sow here and there. 5.toska(p-Basque)=
kaolin(Fr)=being/ca olin/rolled,=toska(Gipuz)=thoska(Zuber)=toxcatl=toss-being
Smoking Mirror player immolated/5th month Tonalamatl. 6.tu(p-B)=spit/drop,=
itoi(Gipuz)=itonia/oitoni(N)=perspire. 7.tuka(p-B)=spitting,=thuka/tüka(LowerNavarre)=
tocani(N)=sower. 8.tupu(p-B)=copper,=tupi/tupiki(Gi/Tzintli tepuztli coatl/coa)=Saintly
copper shovel/coatl(N)=Quetzalcoatl left Gipuzcoa for Amerinda, 3309 BCE, seeking
copper=oldest Mayan Date=the Naui Olin. 9.tutu(p-B)=horn/spout/neck/tube/bottle/
sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013
denken(G)=thekkja(ONorse)=?,=thenkan/thenka, hmmm, denken(OSax)=denken(G)=
ken/cententli(N/reversal denken/kenten)=a word, lit., one's lips?
1.thaec(OE)=dac(MDu)=dak(Du)=dach(OHG/G)=roof,=dacha(R)=country house,=
thak(ONorse)=roof/thatch(E)=tlacacatzaliztli(N)=pile up, squeeze, compress,
cacatza(N)=fill something by squeezing/pressing,=tlacacatzilpilli(N)=tied,
knotted, tightened by force,=cacatzilpia(N)=tie something tightly,=
...i thatch therefore i think,=attach(E)=t/lac/ch=tlaca(N).
jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013
urinate/make water=nequatl(N)=aguamiel/honey water of metl/Metis,=
medar(Gipuzkoan/High Navarrese)=mehar(Low Navarrese/Lapurdian/Zuberoan)=
metlatl(N)=metate(Mex)=pestle for corn/cacao grind=t/Demetra/Demeter(Gk)
=metlatitlan in otlacat(N)=born to the metate,=tlatequililli yauh imetl,
imalac, itzotzopaz=free woman,lit. "who has destroyed her corn/her metate/
her spinnet/her loom". metlatl(N)=metl(N)=Century Maguey Plant/Metis
(Mother of Athena)=rope deity=Chicome Coatl(N/5/Tona), as in,Guipuzkoa(B)=
koa(B)=coa(Mex)=coatl(N/5)planting stick, coa/coua/couia/ocouh(N)=buy.
metl(N)=the quetzalichtli(N)variety of maguey/metl extremely delicate thread/ichtli (N)=ichichiqui(N)=comb=itch(E), e.g., Chichimecatl(Texcoco)=maguey scrapers,
highly prized fine weaves,=Ayat(Arab)=ayatl(N)=ayate(Mex)=oyat(Picardy/Fr)=Amnophila arenaria=Euro/marram=matla/rram/tl=matlatl(N)=net/beach grass, anchors sand to dunes,
native temperate regions, old world, from Finn to Denmark to Iberian Peninsula,
Britain to Poland, North Africa/Morocco to Egypt, Turkey to Israel to Arabia Feliz,= ma/oma(N)=hunt land/sea with net/marram=mainly used
for thatch=tlacacatzilpilli(N)tied/knotted,=
on the other hand, meagre(E)=thin,=megre(ME/ANorman)=mehe/me(B), but, maegre(OE)=magar(OHG)=macaua(N)=let go hand/stop giving/maca(N)=hand be.
me/mehe=meh/ch/c=mecayotl(N)=guitar string: thin=th/tilinia(N)=hilo/hilar(Sp)=thread.
3.mendi(proto-B)=mountain(E)=montaña(sp)=motla(N/verb)=stone/hit a wall,=
me(n)d/t/z/l/i. mountain/rabbit/metl/maguey plant on the moon/luna=
l/tuna=Tona-tiuh, reflexion of solar loony tunes. moon=ila(r)ca(B)=ilacatzoa/oilacatzo(N)=curl around tree(snake), protect/diaper a child,
pleat dress, roll paper, thread,=gatzu(J)=month. 4.mihuri(p-B)=
a)seed/stone(fruits)/b)tiny(fleas)=mihuri(L.Navar)=mixiui/omixiuh(N)=give birth(animal). mix/sh/h(i)u(r)i=mihuri=mixiuiliztli(N)=birth(other).
lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013
lesard(ME/OFr)=lagarto(sp). follow the Spanish,=t/lazcal=t/lagar/l
=tlazcaltilizotl(N)=preceptor(sp), teacher/master,=tlazcalilli(N)=pupil,
lazert(Port). btwn Pg. and Sp. Lizards road opens
to the Nauatl root, e.g., laz/tlaz gar/cal=scaley(E)from izcaltia(N)=nino-zcaltia
(N)=Scalia(name)=grow up(speaking of man),=nite-zcaltia
(N)=raise, nurse, feed, from, izcalia/oizcali(N)=nino-zcalia
(N)=be discrete/prudent, nite-zcalia(N)=stimulate/instruct/correct=izcaya/oizcayac(N)=grow!
Lizard's Nauatl roots coincide with Tonalamatl 4th day of
taletec(N)=little lizard,=
daleth(Phoenician/Hebrew)=letter D=4th letter of ABCD=
t/d(ale)th/tec. Tonalamatl Calendric is the loom of Nauatl, as the PIE/IndoEuro route is an
Opera stub allowing event and row, but not your seat.
Raskolnikov(R)=tlazcoa/otlazco(N)=wander town to town/market to market,=student
lizard=laskar=1.Indian crewman,2.terrorist org.(Pakistan),3.towns in Bulgaria and Slovakia,
4.rascal(E/xiv)=runt herd deer/rabble=slap/tlapa(N),6.lacra(sp)=mark/seal.
...esquirol(sp/Port)=escurol(Port)=ecureuil(Fr), hmmm, 2 Nauatl verbs in the French word, nouns come from verbs, and squirrel comes from 2: curl=
coloa(N)=coil(E)=coleen(E)=cailin(Irish)=dim. of caile(Irish)=Carlin(Irish/
Scot)=country woman,=Chair leg, the hag, Welty=Ueltiuhtli(N)=older sister
of the Sun, the Wind, deer herder of white tartan, aka, Beira, and founder
of the 7 races, Chicomoztoc/7 caves. and, uilana(N)=drag4patas, by extension, hacer niñerias/childish pranks(peek-a-boo), e.g., inmiscuirse/butt into someone else's acorn. coloa(N) refers to the tail and
going around the tree, uilana(N)=wheel(E) refers to squabbling and stealing that goes on with colouilana(N)=cola(sp)=tail=-tlatl/cuitlatl(N), e.g.,
guilan(Cornish)=gull(E)=uilana(N), same squabbling and stealing as skworl.
the -rol(sp/Port suffix)=-olin(N)is explained by tendency of uilana(N)to incorporate (o)=olin(N)=roll(E) into, ui(o)lana(N), to form, violent(E),
which squirrel/gull play is, with plenty of chattering, screeching, and
scolding., Squirrel Post/Tlatlatzolteotl/5 Feb. 2012. onotiuh(N)=persist
domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013
4.lur(B)=tellus(L)/telluric(E)=telolotli(N)pebble,=tetl ololoa=dress stone.
viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013
...ondo(proto-Basque)=1.tree trunk,2.stump,=ondo(All dialects)=
tetepontli/tetepuntli(N)=knee/shinbone,trunk of a tree,=tetep/ontli(N)=
ond/tli=ondo(B), itetepon(N)=his knee/her leg. the next word sprouts from
ondo(B)=ondiko(All dialects)=misery/misfortune/defect. damage to knee/
shank is misfortune/misery.
...orac(proto-Basque)=1.needle,, hook,=orratz(All dialects)=
coloa(N)=double, pleat, twist, turn,=coliuhqui(N)=twisted, curved(E),=
coliui(N)=hang/incline,=colotli(N)=armature, horn, idol,=zoloto(R)=zloty
(Polish)=z/s/colod/tli=c/gol(o)d=gold(E), e.g., citlali(N)=zilar(B)=silver
threads and colotli/zoloto/golden needles. orratz=tzorr/ll(o)a=t/z/s/coloa(N).
...ordu(porto-Basque)=1.time,2.hour,3.occasion,=ordu(All dialects)=o(r)du=
ot/du=otli(N/root)=route/road/canal; vein/tube,=odos(B)(b)lood(E)=odos(Gk)=
o(r)der/Oder(River)/Odin(Norse)=root(E)=ot(Russile)=out(E/adv), e.g., Ocala(Fla.)=ocalli(N)=otli calli(N)=street/road with houses, calle(sp)=callejon(sp)=alley(Fr/E)=aller(Fr/verb), but,
ally=ailia(N/rev. of ay/do).
...ordV(proto-Basque)=1.plain, flat ground,2.plain, sown field,=
ordoki(All dialects except Guipuzkoan=ordeki)=otli tloc(N)=
byroad/lock/dock/location/rock road. ...o(r)d/d=rudda(ONorse)=club,=rod(E)=straight, slender stick for measuring(one's course)=rudder(E)=rodeo/rodear(sp)=rood(E)=rheol(OE)= rh/teotl(N)=rote(E), even,=ruddock/robin as offering to fields, e.g, ro/top/bin=in toptli(N/reversal)=the idol, National Bird of England
as the wren(E)=w(r)en=w/uentli(N)=offering for spring plowing, so
ruddock/otli tloc(N)=locale/tloc otli/odol/(b)lood(offering/wren uentli),
that the soil be plucked and aerated by the early bird.
jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013
...=own(up to)being, finish,=acabar(sp)=to the end,=caua(N)= cabeza/caber(sp)=cupe/quepo/quepamos(sp)=we fit.
...caualtia(sp)=abstain, refuse, deprive oneself of something, alejar del
pensamiento/leave thought behind,=Calvario(sp)/Calvary=caualotiuh(N)=
inherit, e.g., itech caualotiuh(N)=heir,=cauilia/ocauili(N)=concede, gift
something,=cavil(E/verb)=raise captious objections,=cavilla(Latin)=scoffing
and mockery, but, about an inheritance, which goes unsaid in the tributary
idioms, i.e., nothing like arguing over a will and testament.
...Cábala(H)=Qabbalah(H)=receive,=caualo-tiuh(N)=inherit, leave property
to another.
...Ain Sof(H)=Occult Divinity/the Infinite,=Ain(H)=the Nothing/la Nada=
Ain(Nauatl/privative)=not the(definite article),=Sof(H)=Tzopa(N)=press/
tighten/draw in, e.g., nic-tzopa(N)=go to the end, finish/acabar, put an
end to things, e.g., tetica nitla-tzopa(N)=construct, build something in
...Ain(H)=the Nothing/la Nada,=Ain(N)=not the/in(N/, or, Ain(H)=
in Atl(N/reversal)=the water/Atl(Nauatl/9 Tonalamatl Calendar).
...sefiro(H)=sphere(E)/region,=zephyr(E/Fr)=cefiro(sp)=ce piloa(N)=one
spill/spilla(ONorse)from on high,=pilot(E).
cetro(sp)=cetelia/ocetili(N)=unite in sign of friendship, reconcile,
marry, bind things together forming from them a union.
miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013
Jalón de oreja
...the Japanese word for hand doesn't come from the Nauatl root but from
the Basque. a sailing term pointing to Basque/Japanese being shipmates.,=me(J)=eye(E)=meya/omex(N/verb)=flow(liquid),
=metl(N)=the Maguey Century plant,=Metis(Myth)=first deity of wisdom,
rope=rap=tlapa(N)Goddess, e.g., rope=nawa(J)=Naua(N)=reel(dance),=
Nauatl(N), mother of Athena. the Japanese word for eye/me=metl(N/the rope
plant of the rope Goddess, Metis, whose cult was in Amerinda).
...fue(J)=fuigo(J)=fuego(sp)=fuelle(sp)=fuel(E), but, flauta(Basque/Port/
sp)=pauilia(N)=limn. the first string root=poa/opouh(N)=power/flower/blower
are Fire drill words of shared invention, e.g., tatara(J)=furnace
(producing blooms),=tata/Tlatla r/tla=Tlatla-tzol-teotl(N)=Flame hole Thea,
regent of the Tlaloc Deer/Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl Calendar), e.g., uma(J),
first horse was Mazatl waiting under the matsu(J)=pine; wait for,=maz(OHG)=
...zoka(J)=creation/nature,=tzocatl(N)=wrinkle,=socket/sock. the Nauatl word, tzocatl, has myriad tributaries in Japanese. it's relation to zoka
is another Fire Drill connexion of the 2-part Drill, i.e., twirl and
socket, e.g., Castor and Pollux., unless you are a fascistoid with agenda, have a look at sound
word linguistics. one doesn't have to write and read Japanese to study
this. i use the Sanseido Concise Japanese/English and use the Arab/English
ABC to connect with the Japanese, whose alphabet is borrowed and compromised by their friends the Chinese, who have strayed from the original font of Nauatl. Nauatl has an ACE alphabet of 13 sounds, compared
to the English/American 26.
...prick up you ears, as Joe Orton said=say=cea(N)=lit.not one, want, consent, concede=c/seya=say(E)=de-sea-r(sp)=desire(E)=decir(sp)=deshi(J)=
d/tleco(N)=lecture(E)=trek(E)=subir(sp)=subaru(J), Hoshi(J).
lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013
...comparing slip(E)=pauilia(N)=paui-lia(m/n)=Liam(Name)=limn(E)=lip/slip/
limb/limp/lisp(E), note the p of pauilia(N)=to limn birds/fish, has come
around to the end of words derived from, -lia(N/particle)=lip/slip(E), so,
slip=tetla-(N/pfx)=lerra(Basque), but slip=alactic/alauac/alaztic(N)=elastic(E)=
alaua(N/rev. of atl)=ael(OE)=al(OHG)=aal(G/Du)=all(ONorse)=alaz(CGerm)=
...the Basque chooses, tetl(N)=stone for slip, and the Nauatl chooses,
atl(N)=alaua(N/verb)=water/annoint/fishy eel for slippery, which says
the Basques were chthonic(E/Gk)=chitoni(N)=spark,=chitoun(OFr)=kitten(E)=
of Fire Drill and her totem animal=Ocelome(N/plural)=celOim(Tarquin)=
Elohim(H)/dual deity), found at Zatal Hüyuk, 7k BCE, hunting bulls with pairs of her Totem=To/our descent/temo animal on the plains of Anatolia.
Zatal Hüyuk, 7k BCE, houses had no doors, one got in from the top, as
the inhabitants were recently out of the caves and coping with living
on the surface. they came from Cappadoccia=Capaxtic/spongy, porous-
d/toctia(N)=join the crowd, hide in the dark corners, fortify, sustain with
stone and bastón, double and thicken(walls)=Capa-toctia(N)=toca(N)=sow and
bury,=to/our being/ca=tocar(sp)=play music,=touch(E), the touch base caves
and where chthonic/sparky language began for the Basques and all of us in
the cave-related bottleneck of those times, Central Anatolia, from the
Altai(Mts)to Bay of Bizkai.
...alaztic/elastic were the water worshippers, living on the coasts of
Arabia Feliz, e.g., alaua/oalauh(N)=Allah=annoint=laude(Fr)=praise=
altia(N)=altar=tealtia/theatre(E)=t/reality(E)=ue altia(N)=way/big altar(E)=bealté(OE)=beauty/beatitude(E), e.g., at(Turkish)=horse,=
atl(N/9 Tonalamatl)=altia/Altai. once on the surface and out of Anatolian
Capatoctia(N), Turk and Arab found proximity to mix as far as cosmopolitan
cave and tribe=tribu(sp)=tepulli(N)=male members can.
...the Basque lerra/tetla(N)=tetl(N)=te(o)tl(N)=teo/theo/deo, Lord of
stone, toctia(N), house of stone, protector, hide in the dark, fire=
t/lernia(OFrisian)=leornian(OE)=learning(E)=t/leña/tl=fire wood, e.g.,
tree(e)=treow(OE)=teotl(N). the Basque have a taste for solitude=solo=
tzol/tzotl(N)=sod/soil/soot, tlalli/tlan(N/locative earth). the Alaztics
for atl(N)=water, the sea=Chalchiuitlicue(N/deity marine)=Ch/Halc/ch=
...e.g., uinetli(N)=Wauwinnet(Nantucket)/Winnetka(Illinois)=
goshawk, merlin, avis incurva species accipitris, milvus(kite/glede), ah,
glede/gled(E)=g/ca(N)=being t/led/tl=ca tletl(N)=fire being, e.g., gleed
(E)=gled(OFrisian)=coal/ember=Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl)/em/iu/v/bel/r=iueli(N)
...hmmm, Milvus/Milano aegyptius, yellow-billed kite, is a separate species but ironically gave it's name, yellow bill=cozcatl(N)= yellow/jewel/necklace, to kite(E)=cyta(OE), but, the y=u, =kuze(MHG)=kauz(G)=cozcatl(N), e.g.,
CozcaCuauhtli(N/16 Tonalamatl)=Jewelled Eagle/Tzopilotl Rey.
domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013
Friar's heel
...Stonehence(E)=Tona-wh/uen/tli ge/ce(N)=one=Tonatencé(Nauatl)=Sun's
one/ce(N)(year)offering/uentli. related to the previous Deer Age. its furrows were carved out by tlantli(N)=tooth/teeth/E)=antler(E). Tonatiuh/Anthony's ce/se-ven/uentli(N)= whence/when/even/twenty/veinte/20. 3d millenium when/uentli blue stones were set, blue the color of the
grain 4th cuadrant/diamonds/coins(tarot=tarok=Tlaloc, deity of deer, chief
rain god of the Nomad Age). the Tonalamatl Calendar of that Age, includes
rabbit/Tochtli(N/8), malinalli(N/12)=herb/broom, Cozcacuauhtli(N/16)=
jewelled/cozcatl eagle/cuauhtli(N/15), and, Xochitl(N/20)=flower/rose,
e.g., in the Mayan Socket=Tzolk'in(M)=in Tzocatl(N)=the wrinkle, tributary
of the Tonalamatl(N)=tonalli(N)=soul=tone/tune(E), Xochitl(N)=Ahuauh(M)=
Lord,=Aua(N)=water owner,=Aga(Arab)=Ayatl(N)=fine cotton or maguey thread,=
ayate(Mex)=Ayat(Arab)=sign of God,=Oyat(Picardy)=beach grass used for weaving. in the case of Ayauh/Ayat(Arab)=tilmatli(N)=til/ma(n)tli= mantle(E), or, chitoni(N)=chiton(Gk)=tunic(E)=tunica(Latin)=
Tonatiuh(N/solar deity).
...Freya's heel=h/th/te(e)t/l=tetl(N)=stein(G)/stone=Tona-, and F(r)eya=
F/Peyaua(N)=overflowing(harvest). looking out the NE door/toloa(N)=bow
the head, of Stoneheng(ME)=hinge(E) on Summer Solstice morn/moztla(N),
one will see Tonacatecuhtli(N)=God of our flesh/naca(N)/alimentary sustenance, rise over Peyaua's heelstone. it couldn't be a friar, as friar=f/pia(N)/pie(N)=piety=no pick=pi/opic(N), and this is Harvest Solstice overflowing and pickled!
sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013
...herci(proto-Basque)=1.tight(E)/narrow/cramped, 2.worried/exhausted, 3.nasal
congestion/catarrh, close, squeeze/press,=
hertsi/hers-tu(Lapurdian)=1.tight(E)/narrow/cramped, close, note the
trailing -tu, and the embedded -t-, which is first letter of root=te(r)se(E)=polished, smoothed, neat, polite, concise,=tieso(sp)=tight
(E)= tezcatl(N)=mirror, i.e., polished stone=tez/tetl(N)=shtetl(H).
...Tezcatlipoca(N)=Smoking Mirror,=Necoc Yaotl(N)=Enemy of both sides, just
as catarrh is the enemy both sides of the nasal passages. the special enemy
of Quetzalcoatl, provokes discord, war among men, his divine stone idol=
teotetl(N)covered with gold=colotli(N)=zoloto(R)=zloty(Polish), and in his left hand a fan so taut and brilliant with feathers it seems a mirror/tezcatl(N).
...hmmm, taut(E/taught)=toctli(N)=tocter(G)=docter(Du)=doctor(E)=daughter(E).
...dight(ME)=special applications such as, polish/burnish/smooth.
...tough(E)=toh(OE)=zah(G)=zahi(OHG)=tei(MLG)=taai(Du). often the
German will take its first letter from -z-, embedded in Nauatl root, e.g.,
tezcatl(N)=-zca/tl=zah(G), or, in the case of catzaua(N)=greed(E), put
the embed -tz- separate from its t/th/z=gradathaz/graduthaz(CGerm)when
its root=cat/za-ua arms its a's as, -aua(N). in gratac(OHG)=greed(E) one
can see a palindrome forming, the insertion of (r)=g(r)a/tac and the
separated z/s/c=gra/tac/s/z at the end of the word, which by coincidence
is the reverse of the Nauatl root=catzaua(N)=-tac=cat/zaua, but the
c/g(r)a- tells us which tail is the head.
viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013
...argi(proto-Basque)=1.light/bright, 2.luminary(moon),=ilargi(Guip)=
1.light/bright, 2.illargi(Guipuzcoan=Uitequi-Tepuztli-Coatl/N)=
luna)=ilacatzuiui/ilacatzoa(N)=twist/revolve oneself around, speaking of a
sharp, horned object/turn so as not to see someone you detest; wrap oneself around a tree, speaking of a serpent; help, protect, sustain,
favor, put oneself on their side; diaper a baby; pleat a dress, roll paper/thread,=ilaca-(N/lead particle=ila(r)g/ca=ilarga(Guip/Basque)=moon,
=ila/catziui(N)=-catzoa(N/following particle)=c/gatsu/tzo/a= gatsu(Japan)=
month, e.g., ichi gatsu(J)=January=J/Yani ualiloti(N)=Pilgrim returns to
point of departure.
...arhan(Proto-Basque)=aran(Guipuzcoan)=plum=(E)=p(l)um=pomme(Fr)= pom(Mayan=incense=copalli(N),=fume/flume/perfume(E),=aran(Bizkaian)=
ar/t/lan=atlan nitla-tlalia(N)=put/wash it in water/atl(N), instructions.
or, aryani=ailia yani(N)=ally of pilgrim/traveller, found wild along the
route, and, atlanelollo(N/privative a-)=pure, without mix, i.e., eaten
as is, =tlanelollo(N/adj.v.)=mixed,=flannel(E), meaning a Welshman, in
Merry Wives of Windsor, mixed(with Iberian).
...bullace(E)=wild plum,=bullies(Lincolnshire)=bullison(Wiltsire)=
bolas(ME)=bwlas(Welch)=buloce/beloce(OFr/Fr)=bel/ueloa/ouelo(N/root verb)=
derribar(sp)=throw down/knock off branch,=scad(Sussex)=s/cat/d=Ecatl(N)=
Hecate, wind harvester of Orchard Culture, e.g., 7 Greek Seasons linked
to the Tonalamatl Deer Calendar, the 7th trecena, Quiauitl(N)=harvest=
h/a(r)ui(s)tl, the 7th day, Coatl(N), later, Coa(Amerind)=houwa(OHG)=hoe
(E)when agriculture. bwlas(W)=uel-tlaza(N)=well throw down, e.g.,
saffron(E)=azafrán(sp)=tlazapan(N)=throw down place, i.e., saffron
harvests itself with help of ripeness and wind, as fruit/damson/Damascus
trees had to do before agriculture(E)=aq/g(r)/ui=aqui(N)=enter=aq(Egypt)=
aqhet(Egypt)=spring time, entering/plowing seed time. the wren offered
in England at this time, plowing=poa/opouh(N), e.g., w(r)en=w/uen/tli(N)=
miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013
...zabal/tavella(Du., G. tafel)=Zavala(sp/Name)=tavern(E)=tabula(Latin)=
tab/tabulate(E)=tafl(ONorse). hmmm, Mazabal(G/construct)=deer table, ah,
Tabernacle is of 2 words: 1. tlapa(N/prefix)=tlatlapa(N)=flame paint, e.g.,
t/la(m)b/pa=lamb(E)=Lapp(Deer People/Mazyectli)=table(E), and, 2. -nacle=
nacatl(N)=nachat(Yiddish)=pleasure,=snaka(OE)=snake(E)=knacker(E)=one who
deals in horse flesh/nacatl(N)=nacre(mother of pearl)=naker(kettledrum,
named for skin,=naked(E). Maqabim=maquauitl(N)=hand tree=maitl quauitl(N)=
macana(sp)=type of wooden sword lined on both edges with obsidian/itztli(N).
...Yectlalli(N)=Yes Land(E)=Yec/Yiz t/l/ra(e)lli=Yizrael=Israel, e.g.,
the Mazyec was name for all Deer/Maz(OHG)=Meat(E) peoples of N. Africa,
=MACWC(Egyptian/Ramesis 3). the Berbers took the name as theirs after
the tlaloc Nomad Deer Age, 45k BCE-10k BCE,=Mazyes(BBer). the full name
for the land=MazYecTlalli(N)=Excellent/YesDeerLand.
...despite the ovine presence in the Tabernacle, the flesh originally was
Deer/Mazatl. a look at the Basque/Turkish=Toca(N/deer breeding name)words
for table=mahai(B), worn down to the aspirant, h, e.g., h/zh/z=mazai, the
original Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl), and, the Turkish tabernacle table=masa(T)=
Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl Deer Calendar). matso(H)=Mazatl, originally.
...mesa(sp)=table, added to, mahai(B)/masa(T). even the word, flesh, nacatl(N)=maca(N)=give(meat)=na-ca=4 being but snaka/snake is not 4 legged unless snake means, 4,under Hecate, the 4-being. e.g., uan(N)=own4= relation, parentage at Grandfather/mother level. the m/n label makes n/maca=namaca(N)=to sell(deer/Maz=meat). one sees how ritual fills in
vocabulary when there are no other words to occupy the void, i.e., the
basic overall function of rite.
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