sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013


=tececemelti(Nawa)=funny<7plsygul/who likes people,= cecemetlia(N/freq.)=cemeltia(N)=play/give pleasure,= cemelli(N)=pleasure,=cemelle(N)before negative,=cea(N) =not one,=say(E)=des/cea/r(sp)=desire=decir(sp),= Ce(r)nechi(Malta/Fra Abela, 1647)=Kelb-tal-Fenek/ Phoenician,=Pharoah hound Malta,=Cirneco dell'Etna (Sicily)=Tsm/Tesem(Egypt)=first Pharoah dog, comestible, replaced by sight hound Saluki=Alco(N)=Techichi(N)=rock dog,=Tesem=Anubis=Xolotl is Evening star, Quetzalcoatl's, twin, both sons of wind weaver Venus Hecate. Xolo=Tobacco Deity of Mexico=Macuilli Xochitl, and the Fool=Xolo=follow in Tarot=Taroc/Tarocco(Ital)=Tlaloc, rain Deity Nomad Deer Age, 45k BCE-10k BCE, is paired with St. Michael= Miquiztli(N/6/Tonal)=Death Lord at heaven's gate, lord of Xolotl, fool, who becomes the Devil. Abuwtiyuw/Abutiu(Egypt)=royal guard dog of the 6th dynasty, 2345-2181BC,died before 2182, buried sumptuously at Giza, =Abuw=tl/apowa=Tlapoalli(N)=tiyuw=tiuhtli(N)=tlapoallitiuhtli= to discover/to go count. he was embalmed and buried as a Noble. why was Abutiu buried this way? his name contains the clue to his reward,=tlapoa(N)=to discover someone,=nitla-tlapoa= to open, discover, knock something down. it's likely Abuwtiyuw saved Pharoah from premature death. the 6th dynasty is the end of the Old Kingdom, Teti slain by own bodyguard. nobility gains power, castes revolve.