lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013
...=sign of God, sign of rain/Quia-huitl(N/19 Tonalamatl)=storm=drizzle.
ayatl(N)=fine cloth of cotton or maguey,=tilmatli(N)=-ma(n)tli=mantle(E)=
ayate(Arab)=sign of the Lord=the mantle. the first word of the 3 words for rainbow in Nauatl.
...Ayauh-cozcatl(N)=jewel, yellow, necklace,=Rain/drizzle necklace yellow
...follow the m/alo to m/Tlaloc/Tlaloque(N)=tl/t/th/halo(E)=halon(sp)=
alone(Italia)=Tarquin=T/lal/r qui=Tlaloc qui(N)=who/qui (is) Tlaloc/
Tlaloque(N)=rain deity and dwarfs, e.g., tarocco(Ital)=T/Tlal/roc=
Tlaloc(N)=Tl/Tar/oc=Tarot(Cards), e.g., the Tonalamatl Calendar is a deck
of cards, 52 yrs, 4 suits matching Tarot and ordinary deck cards, 13 in
a suit, the Queen of Spades=Ehecatl/Hecate, etc. this, too comes with the
Etruscan Tarquins, who smelt iron on Italian beaches.
...Etruscan=Tuscan=Tu/To(s)ca(N)=Toca(N)=sow and bury,=To-/our being/-ca, and, the E/truscan=Ocelome(N)=celOim(E/truscan)=Elohim(Hebrew), a tribe
Hebrew, related to the Arabs when all were under Deer/Mazatl(N/7 Tona)Age
Tlaloc and his Tlalloque, cf., Darog(Tribe/Abo.Language Australia)=yam=
...another look at Tarqui(n)=tlallo(N)=servant/slave=Tlalloque(N/plural)= he who is subject to the earth/tlalli(N)=land(E)=tlalloa(N)=fill with earth, have land. Dwarfs, hammers, jewels, iron and inner earth=miners.
...ayauhquauitl(N)=pine, white cedar/kaede(J)=maple/keadar(Basque)=column
of smoke/al qaeda(Arab)=campfire/HQ/quedar(sp/verb)=stay/quauitl(N)=tree.