lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013

Neander speaks

...i(N/verb)=dr-i-nk(E). easy to say in several different ways, so idioms are born on the first word. ...ue(N)=way(E)=big. ...uel(N)=well(E). let's combine them and we're off!..... ...i-uel-i(N)=double drink(E) big way(E), well(E). what is it?=poder-oso. ...r)iveri(ne=ivory(Mammoth)=iueli pantli(N)=elephant(E). ...Iberia(Peninsula where Neander began language)=Beira=Caillech(Gael)= Chair Leg(E)=Carlin(lowland Scot)=older sister of the Sun=Deity of Winter= Neandra Promethea, herder of Deer, the Wind weaver herself, who threshes her plaid until it is snow white, daughter of Perses, Titan/titlani(N)= Messenger Promethean, mother of dogs as Cuaxolotl Chantico(N)=Dog's Head by the Hearth=h/th/t/letl=tletl(N)=t/l/red/t/l=t/let/l=t/ler/tl=lernia (OFrisian)=leornian(OE)=learning(E)=Xiuhtletl(N)=old herb/fire deity, whose wife is Tlatla(N)=Flame Fire Drill,=Tlatlamani(N)=Fisher with net, ma/oma(N)=hunt land/sea with net, =pa/opa(N)=paint. ...Hibernia(Isle)=hibernate(ber/bear)=hiver(Fr)=winter=uitequi(N)= thresh(E)=ui(n)te/r/qui=winter,=inv(i)erno/Inverness(Scotland/ver/bear), but there is no B extant in Nauatl, so, iueli/Llewelyn(Walsh). ....Lawis(Isle)=Tlauiz(N)=tl/t/daw(n). ...Tlauitl(N)=ochre/ocre=ocelix/celia(N)=Ocelotl/Ocelome(N/14 Tona), totem=to temo(N)=our descent animal, pets of Tlatla, with whom she goes hunting at Zatal Huyük, 7k BCE, shifting the paradigm for Nauatl origin to Turkey, instead of Iberia/iueli. yet Neander Bear Ritual develops Language Nauatl, serves as its chalice/calíz(sp). ...tlauilli(N)=light, clarity, torch=to(r)c/ch=toca(N)=to-/our being/-ca= tocar(sp)=play musical instruments, flutes, drums,=touch(E). ...there are no linguists clearing the way. whatever is said about Neander Speak from a date point of view is a canard=canauhtli(N)=goose= canaua(N)=pressed duck, because it is Neander's language, Nauatl, that answers the question. bones, shovels, and comparative windpipes cannot answer the query, and one sees it is true, as the reply has been persistently negative, grudging, and political. far as i know i'm the only one working the answer by breaking words on the Nauatl rock pile. everyone else is grinding their axes on the mute stone wall of motley technology, twisting its date lines before them. what are ten thousand years when language related data is transmitted in months? of the great clues to where Nauatl began is tl/l, letters where R has no place and L is never first letter. the Basques have the inverse twin of that, as they have R but it is never lead-off letter for their words. ...nehuatl, nehua, ne(Nauatl)=I, myself, me=nerau, neu, ni(Basque).... ...this ident can be dated to 3309 BCE approx., date of Quetzalcoatl Expedition to Amerind for copper, the oldest Mayan date, the Naui Olin. one of his many gifts to Amerinda was the full version of Nauatl, isbn 968-23-0573-x, by Rémi Siméon, which continues not to have an Rr. ...then there is the question of 4=lau(Basque)=l/nau/i=naui(N)=4=Nauatl. where the Basque 4/lau roots in, oalauh/alaua(N/verb)=annoint(E)=Allah/ laude(Fr), and only later becomes, naui(N)=4=Naos(Gk/highest temple), which forms a Basque ritual 4 before the Naui/4 coins from the verb, alaua/oalauh in Nauatl. yes, the Basques were close to Neandertal, no ficky-facking with bone dates can erase that proximity. so i say let's look at all the data available, not just the doubled edged knife of Tech, the way the Geographic looked at Otzi, sacrificed Tyrolean of Stalin's Caucasian haplo group. humpf, a murder? indeed no! it's this type of lop-sided Scientology gives Anthropology a bad name and retarded aspect. ...the voucher for Neandertals pacific and enduring gifts to us is that in our hands they haven't sprouted, e.g., it's just war, war, everywhere. the prelates of our species do not want a middle man between our species and Deism as they have cut out that turf for themselves, and a poor job they are doing of it too.