domingo, 20 de enero de 2013


...trill(E)=trillar(sp)=winnow, thresh(E) wheat, trite(E)=triturate(E)=pulverize,=/triturare(Latin)=thresh(E)corn/triturar (sp)=crush,=tryst(E)=rubbing appointment, triste(E)=ay, there's the rub. =thresh(E)=uitequi(N)=wheat/white/winnow/winter(E)/all root in: uitequi)=tequi/otec(N)=cut someone, extract in pieces creature from the maternal womb, e.g., nitla or nic-tequi(N)=cut, begin a thing=try(E), work, cut a stone=Tecpatl(N/18 Tonalamatl))=flint knapping,=teco(N/passive of tequi/otec(N/verb)=tequiti/otequitic(N/verb)=work, pay tribute,= tequitioa/tequitiua(N)=every one works,=community service, i.e., quit(E)=quid pro quo(Latin)=this for that/tit for tat.'s been a trying day, but one can see, t(r)y, formed after 3309 BCE, the Quetzalcoatl Expedition, as the root, tequi(N)=begin a thing/try(E) hasn't an (r). so try and quit are related. trier(OFr)=sift, pick out is a snapshot of tequi(N)just after (r) comes into Europe as , tryer(E)/trier(OFr)still retains the (e) of tequi and is moving to tri and away from, tree(E)=treow(OE)=teotl(N), which deflects try(E) from root, te/t(r)e, and, three(E), then, triage(E) completely surrenders to its intrusive (r), e.g., these are the times that try men's souls and the women that have them. try to reduce that to trite.