miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013


...papyrus(Latin)=Papuros(Gk)=papel(sp), of unknown, oriental origin is papyrus/papuros(Latin/Gk), well=uel(N), not good enough. 3309 BCE, or, 5k BCE=Naui Ollin=Nauatl. Egypt, unified kingdom founded by Menes, 3150 BCE. ...Babylon=Babilla(Earliest name)=Babili(Akkadian), hmmm, B/Papillón(Fr)=butterfly(E)=papilla(E)=nipple like proturbance,=papula(Latin)=pimple? ...papilio(Latin)=butterfly(E)=papalotl patlani(N)=the english version is an approximation of the Nauatl, e.g., patlani(N)=fly,=patla(N)=swap, which fortuitously collided with the English words, flutter and fly, first letter became b to accomodate other versions of butterfly in other languages that began with explotative p by matching the original with explotative b. butterfly is the animal of the flower prince, Xochipilli, deity of music and danza, to such a god harmony=amonequi(N)=without necessity=monequi(N), is 2d nature. ...papalotl(N)=butterfly,=papalote(Mex)=name for a paper kite. ...pap(E)=teat, i.e., to a butterfly a teat is a flower. ...one can see the network of associations that makes papalotl(N)=paper, the swamps of papyrus/papulos(Gk), note the y/o shift back to Greek and to Nauatl root which is vowel o/a=papa/lotl(N), attract the papillón and the unnamed plant it hovers over gets a name from butterfly's presence, using a language older than Egyptian, its root language, e.g., pa(Egypt)=patlani(N)=fly, Nauatl,=pa(N)=paint/tint. ...of Oriental origin is correct. Nauatl is in the South China sea islands as sea age language before the Japanese take to their main islands. they actually sail with Quetzalcoatl and his host of Basques out of Guipuzcoa/San Sebastian=Cipactonal(N)=Sebas/Cipac=scribe and navigator, 3309 BCE. ...before the sea age, the deer people of the Altai had Nauatl in particle form, but as interesting is the fact the Altai Mts is world center for papalome(N/plural papalotl)with more than 800 different species. here's the string paper came out of, pa(N)=patla(N)=patlani(N)= papalotl(N/frequentive of pa/paint). ...in the Altai, the Katunskie Belki Range is notable for its papalome(N), and the name is revealing, Ka/Ca/being tune/tone/Tonatiuh/ Sun, ah, the Sun Being Mts, not Bear this time, but butterfly and its deity Xochipilii/Flower Prince. although, the Flower Prince, Xochipilli(N)is deity of the day, Ozomatli(N/11)=monkey,=oso(sp)=Bear. the papalome are warmed up by the sun every day until they can fly. the other name, Belki=Bel-ka(Russile)=Bel/white being/ka/ca(N), the Bel=uel(N/reverential of ue/way/big)=Well(E), the Well/White Being, which is an early Altaic form for what later appeared in Mexico where the Olmec Japanese settled by Old Smokey Popocatepetl and White Lady/Belka(R)/Iztaccihuatl(N). ...pappus(ModLatin)=pappos(Gk)=grandfather; down/fuzz on plants. ...Shoshanna/hosanna(H)=Xochiana(N)=flowers to the 4, cry the early Christians, belted out when their Saintly=tzintli(N)=the Honorific, also, asshole, e.g.,=cinturón(sp)=belt, the smaller belt=cinta(sp sl.) =the anus, Scape Goat hove into view on his ass. today there's a strong connexion between paper and fundament, which i argue will be the hallmark of our wretched species for whatever tz/cinta(sp)=tape/reel= rheol(OE)=teotl(N) comes after us.