miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013
dwa/tza(r)p/f=tzapa/tzapatl(N)=dwarf,=zapato=shoe,and Nike zaps of lightning,
and sapo(sp)=toad=apo/zapo(sp/B))=epo(B)=dwarf=tzapotl(N)=rubber tree.
tlallo/tlalloque(N)=subject to earth/tlalli,=Tlaloc(N)=tl/t/th/halo(E)=
alux/aluxo'ob(Mayan)=?alush(Tzotzil Mayan)=soft metal/copper. Quetzalcoatl Expedition, 3309 BCE set out for Tamoanchan=Chaunis Temoan(Haklyut's Voyages)=Chauhnecocoya Temoayan(N)=Devil's Cliffs(possessed by that Demon), Georgia, USA,=Tezcatlipoca(N)=chief deity of Nauatl tribes
and Tezcoco, founded by Xolotl, 1115 AD,=Necoc Yaotl(N)=enemy of both sides,=Moyocoyani(N)=
who created himself.
dwarfs/tzapa/tzaptic(N)=sharp/pointed, first miners/cobblers/kobolds. Tzapa/Japanese have early history with iron in Altai Mts where copper/tepuztli(N)=metal/lit. boiled
=tlatlatla(N)=flame. tlallo/aluxo'ob(Mayan)dwarfs live in the earth/wear mud hats
to keep sun off. when alux balance their sack on a rabbit's back we will trade places with them.