miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012


...hi(Japonica)=fire=h/chi(J)=earth=tla-chi-nolli(N)=war,= tlatla/flame chi/on top nolli/rolls4(all directions). fire comes out on top. ...taka/hagetaka(J)=hawk/buzzard(E), but note, e.g., qan/qan(Ket)= cuauhtli/cuautli(N)=cuauhtli/cozca-cuauhtli(N)=15/16 Tonalamatl(N)= eagle/buzz(E),=ku'aw(Thao)=cuauhtli(N/15). washi(J)=eagle, but the form of pairing, taka/hagetake(J)=hawk/buzz is of interest, e.g., altepeptl(N)=watermountain(town)=gor-od(Russ)=mountainwater (town)=Neander habitat. i'ts not the words but the form and meaning which connects the 2 elements and gives them relation. ...era(J)=the gill,=ala(sp)=atlapalli(N)=wing,=a(t)la-palli(letra), assuming you know r/l, l/r, not only interchangeable but inclusive/ exclusive as words go by. ...hoka(J)=beehive,=h/th/toca(N)=to sow and to bury, ah, bees are born and buried/hibernate in the hive,=tocar(sp)=touch(base),= to-/our being/-ca(N). ...hmmm, just found the Chinese for earth=tu, which appears to be dust=deu(s)htli(letra)=teuhtli(N)=dust(E), the uh/up stone/teuh-, also, Zeus, from same teuhtli/tecuhtli(N)=Duke(E), put up your Dukes, T(e)uh-tli/Tu.