sábado, 24 de marzo de 2012


Heraldry holds the root of Canton, meaning a corner=sh/xomulli/ xomolli(N)=rincón(sp)=(rin)co(r)n-er(E/letra), also, Xomotl(N)= duck=priest who knows the corners of the Tonalamatl Calendar, which is divisible by 4/To-nal. what bear worship has to do with words like, engrailed, bend dancety, wavy vert, fir-twigged and wavy, orle/orla (sp)=filete, listón/ribbon running around the border of shield, cross, pale(vertical middle stripe), fess(horizontal middle stripe), bend, chevron, salitre(X-cross), i know not, as the Canton is smaller than the quarter shield=chieltia/chielia/chie(N)=wait for someone and have something for them when they arrive, such as a good whack with a sword, or in the case of a woman, a childra(OE)=child(E). the fol-de-rol of Chivalric Heraldry is surety Canton did exist beforehand as, Ca(n)Tona(N)=sun being, solstice Bear= Beira/Bern/Berlin/iueli(n)/river. Canton's source before Heraldry= number of Swiss Cantons themselves, founded on bear worship and Tonalamatl Calendar=16th c.=13 Cantons: 6 land Cantons= 6.Miquiztli/priest,&,=7 city Cantons=7.Mazatl/deer=ce uentli/seven= 6&7=13=basic unit of Tona. by 20= cempoalli(N)=sample digits=20x13=260=Tona birth calendar=26 Swiss Cantons today. Bear Worship signs in the Orient, a worship as old as Neander Prometheus. Bear's origin in the Tona has been taken by Ozomatli(N/11)=monkey=oso(sp)=ursus(L). 1.solstice bear's corner on Canton, ritual, and euro-heraldry holds forth to Cantonese as caTona bear/sun worship: link is in Cantonese's alt.name= Yue/Jyut/Jyu=root=yuhti(N)=from the beginning/just/justice,= Judy/Yuh'di(H)=Yucahtla(N)=desert,=yukata(Nihon)=summerwear.