sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014
...(E)=shallot(E)=onion(E)=xonatl(N)=summer(E)=Sumer(5k BCE)=xomotl(N)=duck/teller of the Tone/
Tonalamatl(Nauatl),=Iskeluni(Egyptian glyph)=Isqualluna(Akkadian)= Izcalli(N)l/tona(N)=i have here
the house, the sun/Tona heat has returned, 18th month of Mexican/Aztec year,=Askelon(H)=ranked 18th
among Israeli urban centers, neolithic seasonal habitation for meat processing, 5x as many bones found as flints=20k, 18=Tecpatl(N/18 Tona), sea nearby supplied salt, oldest, largest Canaanite= Ca Nantli(N)=mother being, seaport, good underground water supply, El&Baalrepresented by cast bronze silver-gilded bull calf, found 1991. in the Armana letters between King/Mayor Yidya(H)=Yuhti ya(N)= already from the beginning/yuhtli(N), e.g., Yahweh(H)=already underway(E)/big, Shallot/Chalet's spelling= Asqaluna(1350 BCE). Sumer/Scallion onion/xonatl(N)link; bull link to Zatal Hüyuk, Baal=
palli(N)=phallus(E). site of the last battle of the first Crusade, 1099.