martes, 4 de marzo de 2014
...(E)=(Northern)China=Chatay=Cataia/Cathaya=Kitai(Russile)=inhabitants/country of China,=Khitan=
name of the alien dynasty Kitai,=cognate Cathay,=Qitai county, Xinjiang province, historically known as Gucheng=old town=gu=paternal aunt=ahuitl(N)= cheng=praise/call/weigh, or, chenq=steelyard, implying tartara(J)=furnace,=tlatlatla/ tzolteotl(N)=flame hole/fire drill Thea Promethea Neandra,= Quilaztli(N)=mother of mankind, who carries papoose frame on her back, hmmm, quilitl(N)=herb/green comestible, and quiliton(N)=red-headed parrot, bird of Ilamatecuhtli(N)=the old goddess, the hag, Cailleach Ueltiuhtli(N)=older sister of the sun.
.....Qitai/Gucheng=Ku-ch'eng-tze is western terminal of Silk road. Kitai=alien dynasty Khitan.
alien in the sense of inter-species Neandertal, as territory around Qitai is Neander habitat
and climate. maps of early china, 5kya, show the northernmost river of China populates first.
.....Cathay=Kathy=Ekatheron(Gk)=shuttle/xiotl(N)toss of shuttle star 2d Venus=Ehecatl (N/2 Tonalamatl),who kept 1st Venus Wendy deer as Beira, White Goddess of the North, e.g., Iberia/Siberia=iueli(N)=river(E)=Llewelyn(W)=ivery/ivory=ue(N)=way(E)=uel/rev.)=well(E)= u/v/be(a)r/l=bear/Beira.
.....kitai(Japanese)=airframe/fusilage,=gas/vapor(air),=strange/queer,=ki/tree rain/tai(J)=
tai/tlaini quauitl/ki(N/J)=raintree/rainframe(E), e.g., taifu(J)=typhoon(E)=tai/tlaini popotl/
pu/fu(Nauatl/J)=rainbroom(E), also, ki(J)=an age, i.e., Tlaloc Deer Age, 45k-10k BCE, or,=ki(J)=
be fond of singularity, the unusual, i.e., nomad(E)=noma/nomatka/nomatzinco(N)= always/the same/
forever/spontaneous, the age in which (solar) monotheism became religion.