martes, 27 de agosto de 2013


...(sp)=holm oak=oquichtli(N)=man,=Quechua(Inca=the being/ca language)=men owners, hombría(manhood),= orchid/orchidectomy(E),=Quercus/o)qui(r)chtli(Letra)=oquich-(N/prefix),=holm(E)=island, holly(E)=Olin(N/17 Tonalamatl)=holy, r/oll. the acorn oak, invasive, hard wood casks, used to establish truffle/toptli(N) orchards/xocotl(N), acorns used as flower, mast for wild pigs or tame/tamati(N), even tamalli(N). .....Oquich-/Quercus ilex/iluicatl tleco(N)=illeco(N)=ilex(Latin)=name for Holm oak and Hollies,= rising/tleco to heaven=h/th/te(a)uena(Letra)=te uena(N)=t(h)e 4/na offering(E). ilitl(N)=birch tree. ..........Olin Oquichtli(N)=Holy man tree. .....hmmm, of unknown origin, qui(r)ky(E), but, o/qui(r)k/c/ch/ tl/i/y(Letra)=oquichtli(N)=quirky(E)=sudden turn or twist, xvii; verbal trick or subtlety, xvi.