miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012
idalwa Muszoqui/tl
...nouns form last, most of them come from verbs. idalwa(Musz)=town=
tun=Tona(N)=stone(E)=shtetl(H)=tetl(N). the noun for town=Altpetl(N),
the veb=Altepeitta(N)=to go see/itta(N)the towns. within Nauatl one
sees the verb, to look=itta(N)=mirar(sp)=miru(J)=mirror(E), becoming the
Russian verb, itti/idti(Russile)=to go. applying Al(tepe)itta(N) to
idalwa(Musz), idal- brackets Al-(N), the front particle, which is the
reverential of water=altia(N)=altar(E)=bealté(OE)=ue altia(N)=beauty/
beatitude(E)=tealtia(N)=theater(E)=t/reality(E), and, ida-, doing double
duty=ida/-itta(N), the last particle of Altepeitta(N/verb), and is the
intermediate form, idalwa(Musz), -wa=ua(N)=own(E), between Altepeitta(N)
and Aldea(sp)=Alte/de a, note the tepe of Altepeitta: neither in idalwa
or aldea is (Pp)of tepe(N/Mideast)present.
...the same absence of (Pp)occurs in Tustunnuggee(Musz)=To Tonapouhqui(N)=
astrologer, divine, brujo/witch, which the Alkonquin Ochipeuac Muzoquitl
use as their term for Medicine Man, leaving out the poa/opouh(N)=count
verb, e.g., quipo(Inca Quechua)=knotted abacus,=qui/who counts/poa(N).