martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

Huta-galgi Muskogee

...first of clans, the Wind Clan=Huta=h/sh//xotla(N)=ni-xotla(N)=inflame, heat, bud, grow, hmmm,=nitla-xotla(N)=cut cloth, i.e., windshear, make stripes=x/shor/tla=shore(E), i.e., ripple surface of lake, saw wood, i.e., sough through evergreen branches. (Xotla)Galgi(Mozoquitl Alkonquin, related to Ojibway)= G/ca(l)qui/gi=caqui(N)=nite-caqui(N)=listen, pay attention, to be listening, obey, e.g., ayuh nite-caqui(N)=divine the secret intentions of someone(as the weather/wind),=nitla-/nic-caqui(N)=understand, discern, comprehend things, have a public. part of the personification of the wind is that it has voice, saws and soughs through trees, has an audience, is listened to in order to divine/predict intentions, and if very vociferous/ stormy must be obeyed by putting into xotla/sawing shore if embarked, retiring to shelter if rain. ...Muskoka Lake, 2 hrs North of Toronto(=tolontic(N)=lont/ront/round(E)= toloa(N)=bow the head/tolerate(E)dolor(sp),named for Council Circle of Amerind Nations held there), 2.5k sq. miles with 1.6k lakes. ...Chief Yellow Head=Mesqua Ukie(Ojib/Alk)=Metztli Quaitl Oquichtli(N)= Moon/Yellow Head/quaitl(N) Man. ...Ojibwa(Alk)=Chipawa/Ochipauac(N/verb)=clarify, purify, become clear again, e.g., Ochip/Ojibwa/auac(N). ...Muskoka was not named after Yellow Head/Metztli Quauitl(N) as Muskoka has its own meaning, e.g., muskeg(Cree=Christian)/swamp/lake, muskig (Ojibway/Ochipauac)=swamp,=Mu/Mo-s/z(k)oqui/ka=Mo-zoquitl(N)=your mud quitting. the Muskoggee are the southern branch Mound Builders. ...leaping to Russia, Moskva(Capitol)=Mo-zoquitl-ua(N)=owns/ua mud/t/zo quitl/quitting.