miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012
bad news for Proto-Indo-Euro fans, and some good news.
Nauatl roots supercede backward-looking-up-your-colon
PIE, or Indo-Euro, IE, simply by showing the first 3
letters of its ACE/ABC. there is no Nauatl D, for
Taletec(N)=little lizard,=Daleth(Phoenician/Hebrew)=
D. as Nauatl has no Bb or Dd, so Proto-Indo-Euro roots
cannot begin with Dd, for Dd, as Brother Grimm saw,=Tt,
even, tl,=Teuhtli Tonatiuh(N)=Teuton(OHG)=T/Deuh(s)t/li
=dust Dona-dieu. Bb=birch=pilichtli(N)=p/bir(i)ch/tli=
ilitl(N). PIE looks back: Nauatl books forward=
isbn 968-23-0573-x. Nauatl holds the 13 sound ACE ltrs
that doubled into 26 ABC sounds today, the Letra consonant shifts.
dana(OPersian)=river,=Danube=Donau/Tuna/Tona/Tonatiuh(N)=Solar River/Europe,