jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

Pozole Riot

...pozoni(N)=boil, bubble, agitate, be pissed off,=poz-/pox upon Razputin/p/fox, known for rabies. cenca pozoni(N)=es hosco, colérico, duro, desagradable en sus palabras. pozo-nini(N)=full of rage, fury. ...pussy=posole(Mex dish)=pozo(sp)=well,=potli(N)=Putin=pontificate. ...Ruido(sp)=noise,=r/to/u it/doa=to itoa(N)=our noise?=Riot=Ruihoter(OFr) =R/tu ih(i)oter/tl=To ihiotl(N)=our breath, our air, our spit, our saliva, our spume. yes, To ih/R iot/l=ih(i)ot/l=hot(E), cf., Tlatlatzolteotl Blog, post: Hot, 15/07/2012. ...the next move for the great Poot is to decorate them with the Order of Leni(e)n-see, and pardon them so they can get back to their pozole. when his priapism has eased is a good time, and in that regard, Rinse Prepuce, chairman of the Re-pubic party could be a great help to him. as they say, hands across the waters.