sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012
Ocho Cinco
...oct/ocho/tocho/tochtli(N/8 Tona)=rabbit, verb=toca(N)=to sow and bury.
8: huit(Fr)=h/th/tu/to(ch)t/l/i,=octo(Latin)=otto(Ital)=acht(G)=okto(Gk)=
oito(Port)= oito(N/preterit of itoa/talk)= hachi(Japanese)=aaathi(Hindi)=ashti(Skrt)=acht(G)=tochtli, note, German/J/Swede/Lith/Latvian has shifted o/a as has, Hindi/Skrt.
...the Lithuanian?/Latvian=astoni(Latv)=
as/toni, solar,=nyoic(Hung)=n=Nauatl=(Ny)o(i)c=(N)=oc=och/tli. astuoneri
(Lithuanian)=a/os/sh/ch=tochtli in ast(uoner)i. Lithuanian has more
sanskrit than any other euro-lang. tochtli is euro-centric, except for the
Hindi/Skrt due to its Baltic connexion and the early Al Maqar forays by
horse into India, 7K BCE. those who don't have a variant of tochtli have
been in the orient ranging, e.g., shemon(Hebrew)=thamaneya(Arab)=
she/tha man/mon=same word, but Arab is clearer in Nauatl=th/t/tlalli
mana meya(N)=Earth's flow, e.g., toca(N)=sow and bury,=to-/our being/-ca=
tocar(sp)=play music,=touch(E).
...lapan(Bahasa Malay)=tlapanqui(N)=broken in 2 parts, e.g., tlapana(N)=
tlap/laf/loaf(E)/xleb(R)=bread=-pana(N/2d particle of tlapana)=pan(spLat)
=bread, i.e., pan de cada día=toca(N)=our being. also, nearby, tlalpan/
tlalpilli(N)=earth place/earth prince=t/lapin(Fr)=rabbit.
...now for the slavs: v/bocem(R)=8=(v/b)/och/c-em=m/n=Nauatl= tochem/tli(N),=osam(Serb)=os(u)m(Czech)=osem(Bulg)=visim(Ukraina)=
opt(Rom). except for the Romanian, all rabbits, but the Rom is also,
had an oc/ch word given priority, so used, opt(R).
...hocht(Irish)=ochd/t/li(Scot Gaelic/celtic)=aucht(Aberdeen Pikitilum).
interesting the a-tochtli's, e.g., the japanese, hachi, to the Sanskrit, ashti, to the german, acht, to the swedish, atta, the Lith,
astuon-. all indicate the early sea age of the Baltic connected to
India, Japan Cantonese, and Teotihuacan Amerinda.
...cinco(sp)=5,=chico(N)=reverse/perverse,=chi/on top, over,-co(N)=come=
come over/on top=switch hand.counting, e.g., ce=one chicuace=6=reverse
one/-ce. we've always had the computor.
...the russian use the same formula, but a different set of words, e.g.,
opyat(R)=again,=opatlac(N/preterit)=swap(E)=alternate(hands), which
becomes the number, five, in russian, from, patla/opatlac(N)=pyat(R).