viernes, 20 de enero de 2012


g(r)een=g/ce-e-(N)=ce(Nauatl)=one,=cel/celtin(N)=only, alone,=celia/ocelix(N)= to revive, resuscitate,=ocelix(N/preterit)=oc/ch(r)e(letra)=ocre/ochre(sp/E). What's green is Ocelotl, it's lot is birth, the destiny of cells, the only, the one, the Celt who knapped diety from stone alone, with mind of water and thought of wind. Etruscan/Tarquin prayer, Liber Linteus: ati, cathe, luthe, celOim(E/T), in Nauatl= atl ecatl -lotl Ocel-(N), in English= water ca(s)t light cell(E), in spanish= agua echar (dar)luz c(i)elo/célula. nappa(N)=4 veces,=napaloa(N)=gobernar. stone=(s)tona(N/prefijo solar)=tun(maya)= año solar,=town(E/pueblo). mi(n)d=mitl(N/dardo)=trans-mit/(s)mith(E/verbos), =nous(gk)=mente(sp)=me(n)tl(N)=Metis(myth/primera deidad de sabiduria, diosa del maguey/metl, madre Atena),=no atl/nauh(N)=kno-wuh=know(E). Ocelome(N/plural/cf., Çatal Hüyuk)=celOim(E/T)=Elohim(H/dual deity). note: luthe celOim(E/T)=slot cell(E)=dar luz célula/c(i)elo(sp)= -lotl Ocel(N)=Ocelome(N/2)=Elohim(H/dual), as Ocelome is totem animal of birth Venus Flame Hole Thea=Tlatla-tzol-teotl(N), Promethea Neandra, was cave Venus, her throne=th/tone devolved on Mother Goddess of Çatal Hüyuk, from Neandra TlaTla. title held by Neandra Venuses as long sons supported her for strength=Pro-meth=Pal-metl(N)=for mettle. the cave races stunted and dwarfish if yodo(sp)=iodine not present,= yod(H)=10th letter as medicinal code, e.g., 100k BCE Mt.Carmel Turtle Neander. they saw their chance to breed up. today Neandra genes protect us from ills they overcame as first(fire)doctor/tochter(G)/toctli(N)=daughters.