miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014


...(Nauatl)=challenge(E)=the sound of breaking glass,=Konovalyuk(Yocatl=Yukra/ina=the owner)= kon(R)=ehco/eco(N)=ecus(Lat)=equus(Lat)/ovalR/particle)= owal/ual(N)=wall/war(E)=towards(E)/ yuk(R)=yocatl(N)=owner. arrives/ual(N) the horse owner. .....Putin(R)=reversal=in Potli(N)=the Punter. .....Jiu-jitsu/Jujitsu(J/China), e.g., yue(Cantonese)=jyu/jyut=yuhti(Nauatl)=from the beginning, referring to Nauatl/Cantonese,=yuh(N/adv)=thus/such,=yuhqui(N/adv/adj)=thus/in this way,= yuhcatla(N)=desert. wrestling/atleti(N)=burn consume, a fire drill Neander sport=potli(N)=both. .....If Vlad accepts the chalani/challenge he will set the gladiatorial framework for internal and external disputes, especially in foreign affairs. rather than amass men and equipment for slaughter, dexterity will rule as winner take all. if he loses to the emerging Horse Owner, he will win much more than Russia has lost to Glasnost, i.e., the undying respect of his enemies as a man who has crossed the bridge=pont(Lat)=potli(N) from pontificater to combatant, so others may live.