sábado, 25 de enero de 2014


...(E)=split, pp. of cleave,=Klepht(Gk)=one of Greeks who refused to submit to Turkish conquest/ acoquetza(N) of Greece xv,=brigand xix, klephtes(Gk)=thief(E)=hlifan(Goth)=steal,=tlepan(Nauatl)= to the fire, referring to the theft=th/t/tle(f/p/v/u)t/l=fire, e.g., hli/hth/tleu/v/b/p/ph/f an= tluauana(N)=bank the fire, remove the coals, sweep,=tl/t/th(i)ev/uana=thieve/thief(E), e.g., steal(E)=stela(ON)=s/t/tlet/la=tletl(N). fire/tletl(N) begins thievery, in fact is its root, and its punishment=to the fire=tlepan(Nauatl)/hlifan(Goth)=khleft/klept(Gk).