miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013
...pucha(Mex slang)=girl to whom virginity is no longer an issue, yet,
ichpochyotl/ichpochotl(N)=virginity, e.g., uel ichpuchotl(N)=complete
virginity. note similarity to chocholli(N)=deer hoove/split hoof, in harmony with the creation legend of that part, nenetl(N)=vulva, idol, doll,
of woman, e.g., lying in a dell, the creator god having shaped her limbs
out of corn pone, there only lacked her operative feature, the door/toloa
by which we all enter the world, when suddenly there is a rush of sound and
a deer/Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)bounds through the glen and leaves a hoof print on the maza/matso right where Venus/Venison plays. later to be
pucked/plucked(E)/ichpuchotl(N) by, one hopes, the groom=g(r)/com(N)=
pronoun linked to particle, on(N)=honor(E), indicating distance, a goal
to be reached, instead of, chocholoa(N)=ni-chocholoa(N)=andar dando saltos,
flee many times or do things out of order, act like a fool,=chochololtia(N)
=make hop, rebound something, throw the ball.
...popochina/opopochin(N/freq. of pochina)=nitla-popochina(N)=card, comb,
mucho, wool/cotton,=pluck(E)=pochina(N)=comb/card wool/cotton.
...pochotl/puchotl(N)=Bombax Ceiba, found in SE Asia, the cotton tree,
e.g., cotona/cotoni(N)=pinch, wound someone, i.e., pluck(E)/harvest fruits,
i.e., pluck(E).=cotton(E).
...Pochtlan(Monastery)=where reside the ministers of Yacatcuhtli(N)=Lord
of merchants,=yacatl(N)=nose,=Yakuts(Russile),=pochtli(N)=left, left hand=
nopoch(N)=pochotilia(N)=inflate oneself,=pocho(Mex slang/caló)=mexicans who work across the border, e.g., cotton pickers. also the War God,
Uitzilopochtli(N)=left-hand Hummingbird/Uitzitzilin(N)=hum(Tzotzil Mayan)=
roar/swoosh)=(h)u(itzitzili/m/n=label Nauatl).
...Pochtecatl/Pochteca(N/plural)=merchant/trafficker/spies for the Aztec,
i.e., pluckers(E).
...pochquiauatl(N)=window,=quiauatl(N)=door/entrance to house. the Pochotl
used for construction, chief wood.
...cf., "desplumando la guajalota"=plucking the cocona(Mex)=female turkey,
courting phrase. cocona=coconauia(N)=attract someone through promises, gifts.