lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011


...Al Khadhafi lives on in corrected error. thanks to D. Messaoudi, we have the etymology of Amazigh, which is the ancient name, from time immemorial of the inhabitants of North Africa, which one remembers was a green corridor in the upperstone age, which i date from 50k bce, date of Berber/Mazyes mtDNA Haplo group H, oldest sister haplo group in Europe, preceding the Basques by 10k yrs. Al Khadhafy believed Amazigh was a colonialist term invented to divide the populace. However, Meesaoudi shows the word alive in Pharoanic Egypt as, MACWC, in ancient Greek/Latin dictionarys as, Mazyes(HÉCATEE/6c ac/after Christ), Maxyes(HËRODOTE/5c ac), and in other variations, such as, Mazax, Mazaces, Mazikez (Latin Dictionary: 968(don't know the meaning of this number/date?). the upperstone age Tlaloc, rain deity, nomad deer/Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl) ends at the time of Gobekli's rising, 11k bce/10k bce. at 40k bce, a glacial advance drove out people and animals, only red deer/Mazatl= Maz(OHG)=meat(E), arctic-bodied Neander/Neandras and their guests were left to carry on. everybody else, including Berber/Mazyes=Mazatl yectli(N)=Yes/yectli(N)=excellent deer/Mazatl, who followed the deer/Mazatl, who followed the rain deity, Tlaloc= Rarog=T/L/rar/loc/g(letra)=R/L/Tlal/rog/c, the same deity, Baltic and Teotihuacan, Amerinda, with cortege of rain dwarfs=d/t/z(w)a(r)p/f(letra)=tzapa/tzapatl(N)= t/z/s/c/japa(letra)=Japonica, called, Tlaloques/Rarogues. everybody in the Tlaloc/Rarog path was affected, e.g., Israel=Yiz-rael=Yec-r/l/tla(e)lli(letra)=Yectlalli(N)=Yesland/the good/excellant land, e.g., mazeltov(N/toast)=Mazatl toptli(N)=Mazatop/v=deer idol, matso(ball)=maz(OHG)= Mazatl(N)=deer. ah, smazat(Russian)=annoint,=Mazatl(N). the language group of Somalia, Maxaad=Maz/xaad/t/L(letra)=Mazatl. now to complete the connexion during the upperstone nomad deerage/Mazatl between the Hebrew and Mazyectli Berber=varvar(Russian)=barbarian=ual(N)ual(N)=towards/to-war-ds= warwar(E), we take Yectlalli and Mazyectli combined to make, Mazyectlalli(N)=deer-yes-land, which may have been the full name for the North African corridor, but, if we speak just of the people, we don't include, tlalli, except for the Hebrew, whose full name for Yectlalli/Israel was, Mazyectlalli(N). Amazigh, if we look through letra, is related to the Mazatl wordstring. the (A) is not in early forms of the Egpytian/Hecatee/Herodotus, in fact, the 6th century Hécatee version=Mazyes, which is the correct form=Mazyec/s-tli, which, with a few slides and twists=Maz-(y)i/ec/g/gh(letra)=Mazyectli(N). so long and so durable, 35k/millenia, was the deer/Mazatl age, when our religious terminology had antlers, ce uentli(N)=c/se-u/ven=7=c/se(r)ve(E), but let me use a word to express the age of religion's founding and practice, as we today preside over its foundering: noma/nomatca/nomatzinco(N)=still, the same, always, forever, spontaneous. for every age there is a Christ of sorts. the remedy for the one we're in, is in the last word of nomad's definition, spontaneous, i.e., to use memory for language and language for spontaneity, a linking of the humanchip/memory to the soulchip, or, -ship if you prefer. it's not reading, writing, or watching movies passively, it's talking. the Christ=K/Kh/Qu(r)i/s)to-a(letra)=Qui-itoa(N)=who talks. and for that we have to rediscover our only language again, teach it properly, map tributory words, turn them over and over for the myth and history beneath the hood. first you ever heard about a deer age? welcome to blue planet!