viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

tartan(scottish=schottisch=xochitl=20-th day Tona)

...the flower of Scotland. they say tartan developed late but the word is old,
tatamachiua/tatamachiuhqui(N)=both frequentives of tamachiua(N)=tamaloa(N)=
measure,=tamale(mex/cornpone flapjack)=tamaño(sp)=size, and, chiua(N)=do,=
chi-/on top own/-ua(N)=Chi-uaua(mex state)=ual-chiua(N)=walsh/welch(country)=
come towards=ual(N)=ualual=varvar(russ)=barbar-ian(E)to own=-ua(N)=chi-ua(N)=to do
on top, the complex but early way to say, co(n)quer=acoquetza(N)=get on top,=
coquette(Fr)=coq(Fr)=cock/gallo/rooster(on top), so the welch/walsh/wales was
invaded by ualchiua(N)=barbarians of horse from, Walcheren, on the coast near Frisia.
hmmm, let's go global tamaño with tartan/tatamachiua/tamale=
tatami-(J/prefix)=folding, yes, the tartan is a folding, tatamachiua(N) is to measure and measure/fold again.
tatamikakeru(J)=press(a person)for an answer, ask(a person)successive questions.
tatamikomu(J)=fold(a thing/telescope), keep everything in one's mind, as language.
tatamu(J)=fold(up clothes, a map=mapiloa(N)/point=mapilli(N)=thumb,=ma(r)fil(sp)=
ivory=ivery=iueli(N)=powerful, shut/wind up one's business, down with him!,
roll up bedding.
an addition to Tlatla(N)=Llama/flame(E)=T/L=Latah=incubus, cf., Tletl, post: Lata:
tatari(J)=a curse, evil spell.
tataru(J)=curse, spell, haunt, torment. tlatla(N)=Latah(Arab/Malay/Indonesia).
the Japonica form is the closest and earliest, suggesting that the Latah idea
began with the sea people, then went on to become, Ra(Egypt/sun deity)=Ra(Volga=Ollin ca/rolling being)=tla(tla)chinolli(N)=flame rolling over=the Nauatl
for war=ual(N/adv)=to-war-ds.