martes, 30 de junio de 2009


...Dios principal de Teotihuacan y diosa halcón H/Chalch/cón=Chalchiuitlicue(N)=falda de Jade, 2da esposa de Tlaloc after Xochiquetzal. Rarog is a falcon, rarazek=merlin/saker, who calls down the cold and ice,=rara=tlatla(N)=flame(E)=llama(sp)=llamar(sp)=to call, zek/cequalo(N)=to freeze,=tletlectli(N)=fire falcon,=tletleton(N)=esmerejón(sp)=merlin, also called, ecachichinqui(N)=he who breathes the wind/ecatl, and cenotzqui(N)=he who calls the frost or, Rarog may appear as fiery dwarf, not as a Tlaloc band=tzapa/ tzapatl(N)= zapato/zapatero(sp)=cobbler, related to Santa Claus,=tz/dz/z/zh/hapa=d/Japan= tz/dj/dw a(r)f/pa=tzapa(N), as demonic spirit of fire. Rarog is one of 3 sons of Fornjotur, Kven of Kvenand/Uenic/Fennec/Finland,=Halogi, fire,=H/th/t/Tlaloc/gi, and, R/Tlaloc/rog=halo(E)= rainbow. Tlaloc wears his halos like goggles around his eyes. as slavic Rarog becomes a dwarf/tzapa, Tlaloc has group Tlalloque(N/plural), as Santa has reindeer, e.g., "on Donner/ Donar/Thor/ thunder and Blitzen/lightning". besides dwarf and halcón=derived fm Tlaloc's wife, Jade Skirt=Chalciuitlicue(N)=C/halc/ch=halcón/sp)=falcon(E), Rarog changes into whirlwind=axitl(N)=atl xictli(N)=water spout/oomphalos(Gk),=axis(E), and raven=r/tlatla ven/uentli(N)=flame offering.