domingo, 29 de abril de 2012
jueves, 26 de abril de 2012
adornment,=g/cap/b(letra)=cape(E)=capani/capania(Nauatl)=snap one's fingers/tirar los dedos(sp),=caper(E/verb)=caper(E/berry)=ca(m)pana(sp)=
bell,=c(l)apper(E)=badajo(sp)=campaign(E)=capa-city(E)=capani ciuia(N)=
to snap one's fingers, to stimulate. and it seems this is so in Gabon.
the Karst caves are Neander habitat. wise leaders, don't cut down your trees=treow(OE)=teotl(N)=teo/theo/deo.
miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012
elephant=iueli pantli(N)=powerful flag=elifant(Latin)=éléphant(Fr), or, olfend(OE)=camel(E)=camileua/camiliui(N)=yellow,=olin petla(N)=throw/lurch,=
eléphas(Gk)=iuelephas(Gk/N)=ivery=iueli(N)=ivory flag.
note (n)=Nawa label for Ber(n), the r/l of Ber/lin=i/uv/Ber/li, burly(E),=Biel, district Bern, lake, Bel(Celtic/Sungod)=iueli/bear/bella(sp)/bellicose(E)=bién(sp)=well(E)=uel(N)=rev. of ue(N). Roman Bel/Belenus=Vindonnus=Uentli/wind dona/Tonatiuh/offer(N)=Sun/Wind.
Iueli(N)=Llywelyn(W)=Belenus=Ellen/Elyn of Llewelyn.
lunes, 23 de abril de 2012
see saw
...sea=ce atl(N)=Seattle(Amerind Chief/City)=Oc/sea/n=see(E/verb)=
ce(N)=one, say(E/verb)=cea(N)=not alone/one=de-sea-r(sp)=desire(E)=
decir(sp)=to say.
s/z/tzaua ollin(N)=tzaol(N)=t/z/saol(OE)=soul. the sewing/sawing hole
of a soul, thread/hilo=th/tr/tletl(N)=t/let/l=let(E)=allow/hallow=
naui(N)=4=no atl(N)=my water=nous(Gk)=b/rain=drain=d/t/laini(N)=
...Strelets(Russile)=Russian infantry first raised by Ivan the Terrible,
1533-1584,=(S)tr/tle(l)et(s)l(letra)=tletl(N)=fire, meaning, shooters
in Russile. in Pyëtr Velikij's time, they trained for torture! with
good reason, as Peter didn't trust them.
...stripe(E/verb)=stroke with staff/scourge,=(s)t(r)oc/ke(letra)=toca(N)=
tocar(sp)=touch. (s)t/lap/ffa(N),=scourge(E)=escorge(OFr)=(es)co(r)q/ge=
acoquetza(N)=get on top, speaking of waves,=nitla-acoquetza(N)=increase
the price,=coquette/co(n)quer. stripe=(s)t(r)ipe(letra)=tepetl(N), hmm,
tripod/trip/tripe=trifle?=truffle=toptli(N)=idol(the guts?), the wrap,
yes, stripe might come from tripe/toptli(N)=the wrappings, a strip of
ribbon/reb/rep/r/tepotztli(N)=back/dorso, aha, stripe/strip/tripe are
from the root of rip/rib=tepotztli(N), as is trifle=menudeo/menudo(sp)=
trifle/trifling, from, menos(sp)=less. more: ripe/rippled ribs. the back.
domingo, 22 de abril de 2012
Norse thread know the Norwegians are a great people. what they are going to do with Brevik is to build a jail for him, manned, and one hopes, womaned
by people who know him. i was astounded. but the more i thought about
it, such a horrendous crime can't simply be punished, it has to be rooted out of the individual himself, the devil not punished, but changed
at his core so he is no longer malevolent, so he becomes grateful,
discards hate for love and understanding which mollify.
from a twisted plant grow by the light of forgiveness
past understanding and bring a tear to that dry cheek on which no water falls. it is an extraordinary punishment for an
extraordinary slaughter of their own, by their own. they have decided
to fight for his soul rather than dismiss him the way we would in America because we're so busy with gadjet/catch(E)=caqui(N)=approve, listen, obey, notify, comment, explain. it rings a bell we believe in human quotient, and in mankind, that we don't take an eye for an eye, but make it see.
jueves, 19 de abril de 2012
Neander/Cromag sow/breed and bury,=to-/our being/
-ca(N)=tocar(sp)=play instrument,=touch, lots of that with canine=canin?
(N)=where, from where, whereabouts?,=cantetetic(N)=cantli tetic(N)=
who has tough jowels/cheeks=nocan(N)=my cheeks, good name for a dog,
ah, notice, tetic(N)=tetl(N)=stone,=ethic/ethical(E), as dogs certainly are, our locator=tloc(N/adv)=location(beside),=tl/t/dog/c(letra), also, dog roots in t/loc/a(N/2 roots), not unusual as binary is a condition of language and computers and dogs, e.g., one command/one action is the only way one can train a cantetetic/canin(N).
...the language record at the headwater of history, Nauatl, associates
Fire Drill Promethean Neandra Titlani/Titan Tlatlatzolteotl(N)with the
feline, Ocelotl(N/14 Tona)=lotus(fertility flower)=Ocelome(N/plural)=
celOim(Liber Linteus/Etruscan)=Elohim(Torah=To r/l/Tlatla=our Flame),
and Flame/Tlatla herself is the cave Venus birthing Deity, regent of
the Tonalamatl Birthing Calender. recent research has shown Cromag
was aided by alliance with dogs in hunting out Neander/Neandra, provoking their extinction, combined with Neandra's dismal birthrate
and being nailed to her mountain herb=h/th/tep/(r)b(letra)=Tepetl(N)=
mountain/tepe(Mideast)=te(m)ple garden for her ma/mati/imati(N/verbs)= convalescing, while Cromag population explodes around them and dog helps
them 2 ways: in the hunt for game, and Neander.
...if one Googles, Almas/Russia, one runs across Alma/Neander storys.
one of them has captive Neandra killing a dog and eating part of it
out of animosity to the creature, the dog, who could nose her out of
her purlieus and betray her and her family. which sets one to thinking
the relationship between dog and Neander was competitive from early on
as scavengers before either learned to hunt, or by necessity, plus,
dogs are good to eat while felines are not. it may have been as simple
as that, altho nothing is. yet when one looks at the prejudices in the
world, the one against dogs is not unusual for a high-minded species
who started with nothing as a fallen Angel in the animal world.
...the Neander choice for totem=totemo(N)=to-/our descent/-temo animal
was Ocelotl(N/14 Tona), as all the archaic Eurasian Feline Deitys can
testify, and all, by the way, copys of Tlatla(N)=Flame, who is the original by dint of detail, calendric parphernalia. hers is the most
complete picture of the cave mother goddess we have. her locations are various, e.g., Turkey/Kupapa, Tlat/l/Ra(Egypt), Chauvet Pont d'Arc/
Dorgogne, everywhere there is Bear/LLewellyn/Iueli(N)cult=Iberia/
Hibernia/Bern/Berlin/Inverness, powerful=Iueli Bear. as late as 7k bce,
Zatal Hüyuk, Tlatla is hunting with her Ocelo-cheetah=chitlatla(N)=
on top flame, or sitting on her Mother Goddess throne=th(r)/tone=
Tonalamatl(N)=calendar, flanked by her totem animals/Ocelome, and,
if one goes to the Zatal cybersite, they have found a bear figure also.
...the Tonalamatl itself, ah, herself, has dog/Itzcuintli(N/10 Tona)
right in the middle of the sample=cempoalli(N)=20(digits), obviously taken over by Cromag deer tribes, and deer/Mazatl(N/7 Tona)in 7th=
ce uentli(N)=one offering=c/se-ven/uen/tli, and, Ehecatl(N/2 Tona)=
2d Venus shuttle/xiotl(N)star, weaving at about 7k bce also, as
Tlatla and Lady Birdsnake/Hecate were trading then. language/Nauatl
is put on the loom, the first sky goddess is Hecate. she gives birth
to Quetzalcoatl Feathersnake, Aryan sky god, and Zeus, somewhere in
her windy folds, who is first known to the greeks as an Aryan sky god
who is a snake phallic. also the Evening star and clown, Xolotl,
mesoamerind Tobacco deity as 5 Flower/Macuo Xigil(Maine Woods/Thoreau)=
Macui Xochitl(N/Cozcacuauhtli trecena)=Dogwood tree(Amerinda)used for
tobacco=to-/our wash/_paca(N)=bach(Germ)=b(r)ach(OE)=b(r)ook(E)=Bacco,
and when Jesus ascended with Mary on the San Apollinari Mozaic, taking
Hecate/Quetzalcoatl's powers, Xolotl=xotl(N)=foot -olo-(N/particle)=
mover, and clown, became the Devil=Teuilotl(N)=glass.
miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012
Onicma/Enigma land/sea with net,=mati/omat/oma(N)=to know,=O-nic-ma(N)=
i knew it, i found it, i learned it,=Enigma(Gk/E). note, the preterit,
Oma(N)is split by -nic-, the first person singular.
martes, 17 de abril de 2012
sábado, 14 de abril de 2012
tai/taini and chai/tsai/tai/thai
...are on tlatlatzolteotl.blogspot, if you are interested in the
Nauatl/Thai connexion.
viernes, 13 de abril de 2012
Tsaatan=Mazatlan(N)=Dukha, southernmost reindeer/Tonakai people=Tonacatecuhtli(N)=
deity of Cipactli(N/1/Tonalamatl). Mongolian taiga=tlaica(N)=rain being, between Siberian Boreal forest to North and the Steppes of inner-Asia to South.
Dukha=toca(N)=sow/bury,=to/our being/ca depend on Tonakkay(Ainu)for milk/cheese/clothing/shelter, but not for meat which they hunt/tlami(N), their livlihood threatened, as all taiga=tlaini ca (N)=rain beings, by climate disruption of food chain.
cash crop
copina=c(r)op=copa(sp)=cornucopia, una copa de, cosecha(sp)
=cozca ecatl(N)=joya del viento=la tía Ahuitl=h/a(r)ui(s)t=
adel/gazar(sp)=gazar(sp)=gazapón=casino=caxaua(N)=hacerse flaco.
caxaua,=g(r)ass(E)=gr/cax/shaua(N), pues, grass es semilla=
cemitta(N)=mirada céntral desde la semilla de una vida.
cemitta&semilla, hay tt/ll. llegó semilla extraerse de
cemitta después de Gobekli/Kopeck/peck(E)=medida de granos/
capollotl, 11k bce-8k bce, einkorn wheat/uitequi(N)=white/
winter=trigo/ticitl(N)=partera. fué tamaño=tamaloa para
tamales. primeros los Semitas de Kopeck/Gobeck muy antes de
que nació Abrahm, ancestro de Yuhti/Yu'dhi&Tlapa/Arabe.
hacía Rúsia,=cemithualli/cemitta=un patio,=cemya(R)=famille=
pamitl/bandera/pantli, y thualli/toalla.
grain no parece caxaua,=p.67, isbn 968-23-0573-x,
capolla(N)=cerezal, ni capolin/capulin=cherry Virginia,=capollotl(N)=grano=c/g(r)ap=grape.
miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012
domingo, 8 de abril de 2012
...Lobster, topotli(N)=tank fish,=t/lopotli, tope(Cornwall)=sandshark.
turbot=t/lopo(s)tl/re, for those with name thus, mostly med. types?
...comb=copina(N)=cup/copete(qué peine Nieto!)=co(m)b-inar, pues,
comb=cup/copa de mano y dedos es primer peine=pepetla(N)=arrojar
frequentivo de petla(N)cabello=capani(N)=tirar los dedos(al cabello)=
comb/cepillo=ce piloa(N)=c/ke(m)pe(letra/name alemán)=unkempt(E)=
...ocotochin(N)=bobcat, note, Tochtli(N/8 Tona)used for other animals
beside horse=h/th/To(r)ch/c/s(letra)=Tochtli. Okhotsk=Ocotl Tochin(N)=
Pine(forest)Conejo/Cony=Bobcat, hmmm, don't need turpentine that badly.
...Onen(N)=he lived,=Onan(Bible)=too busy to have progeny.
...onmo-tepehua(N)=they hurled themselves? don't.
...onne-tepehualo(N)=they scatter, there is scattering. not another
...onicma(N)=i knew it, i found it out; i learned it,=aenigma(Lat),
-mat-=mati(N)=know,=ainigma(Gk)=enigma(E)=riddle in verse=uta(Japonica)=
otli(N)=route/order/vein=in uentli(N)=the offering,=odol(Basque)=(b)lood
...oquiz(N)=he came forth,=de oquis((Spamex caló)=gratis(sp)/for free,
oquichtli(N)=Quechua(Incan)=man owners,=O(r)quid(Flower).
viernes, 6 de abril de 2012
miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012
domingo, 1 de abril de 2012
eagle vicar
eagle=quauhtli(N/15/Tona)=wisdom=next day=CozcaCuauhtli(N/16)=old age,=
16.kib/cib(Tzolk'in)=Cipactli(Tona)=scribe,=aguila(Sp)=aqui=enter=aquia=gird one's suit,=
plow/seed/stock grafting deity of quauhtli=Xipe Totec,=xipeua/flay/sheep/springtime,=
aquili=repair/paint walls,=aquilia=double the sentence(Prometheus&eagle).
aquiliztli(N)=pounce/swoop/mediate. uica(N)=wick/vicar/victory/Nike=
uiquilia(N/rev)=uiquilia aquilia,=aguila Achilles.
...Que(r)cus=Quech/c-ua(Inca)=Oquichtli(N)=O(r)chid. Onions goes all
around the forest on this one, avoiding the O, but putting in every
other combination of vowel making O, e.g., ac/aec(OE)=eiche(Ger)/
eik(ON)=aiks(CGerm), on the linguistic merry-go-round, even mistaking
the name Acton for Oak related, but, Algodon(sp)=Cotton=A(l)c(o)ton,
the cotton armor padding in fashion before metals, the cheap version
in fact all names thought to be Oak, save Oakley and Noke, which
could be, Noquia/Noquilia(N)=verter/spill//purge, have other antecedents,
e.g., Agden, cf., Acton.
...Eagle=aguila(sp)=aquila(Lat/Ital)=aquilia(N)=double the punishment,= aquiliztli(N)=action of placing/putting, plunging in, intervention, mediation, from, aquia(N)=dress in a tight, closed suit; favor, sustain;
put something in a hole, dunk something in water, keep adding. Aqui(N)=
here we see actions of Eagel/aquila(sp)described, building nests(keep
adding), flying with talons over water(dunk/plunging in/swooping), etc.
...pieces of eight:ehta(OE)=achta(OFrisian)=atta(ONorse)=ahtotian(OSaxon)=
tochtli(N)=ocho(sp)=octo(Latin)=ocht(OIrish), the root=Tochtli(N/8 Tonalamatl). compare with Oak versions.
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